Jesus Christ that was fast

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See what happens when we stand up for ourselves finally?

I wonder what could have scared them into calling this off?

This one CEO’s death has most likely SAVED American lives…


Deny. Defend. Depose.

Funny how kicking a rock over to show the worms seems to make medical insurance executives nervous. Or is it the fear of walking down city streets? Either way, I’m happy they recinded that policy.


Imagine if we ate a billionaire. This guy wasn’t even at that level, he was a low wrung oligarch.

It was one guy. One. Guy. That’s all it took to make them this scared.

Keep them scared.

Build a labor party, install Universal Healthcare and crush insurance company ghouls.

Don’t feel too good about this.

This isn’t a ”oh, we made a bad decision and shouldn’t do this.”

This is “now’s not the time. Let’s back off and revisit when the storm dies down.“

Direct action, folks…

Mfs are glancing over their shoulders 😭😭😭

This method seems to work, spread the word…

They also removed the executives and their information from their About Us page on the website.

If only he had listened to the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.

Hey! It’s working!

Anthem? It sounds like you’re saying that assassinations…work. Doesn’t that seem to be the take-away here?

I like to think I know what changed their mind. Some random guy in New York wearing a hoody and a backpack sent them an anonymous message containing only this meme:
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*in NY and Connecticut

Deny. Defend. Depose.

Unfortunately for them (and whether this was related to the shooting or not), this is an indication that political violence yields dividends while voting, campaigning, debating, tweeting, and donating to parties has done relatively jackfuckall.

I’m not saying violence is the answer because I don’t really believe that – BUT many have said it before – in the not too distant past, when workers felt ripped off and without agency they would revolt against business owners with violence. We tried making rules to keep the pot from boiling over but things have shifted. We have a large, increasingly politically illiterate, increasingly angry, proletariat that is slowly beginning to realize that’s what it is. The potential for upward mobility or even stability is shrinking for Americans. Wealth is concentrating in very few hands. The flow is all upwards. And it’s about to become much worse under the coming administration and congress.

Well that was effective, wasn’t it?

They should be terrified. Hoards of seemingly average non online leftist types are making fun of and basically celebrating a public execution.

People have had more than enough. Can’t pretend people are not viciously angry anymore.

✨ praxis ✨

“Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

For now. Once this story dies down, they’ll reinstate it.

funny how corporations only act right when they’re scared of bad press

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I wonder how many ceos it would take for gun control. Bet its a lot less than the amount of kids that die in school shootings

And all it took was the threat of fucking murder!


I mean, if it’ll help people have better lives I’m all for a pop-pop now and then. Or even an old school chop-chop.

God that guy yesterday has legit saved lives and he’s gonna do time for it.

LOL that they’re couching it as [“widespread misunderstanding.”]( Nevertheless, the timing is verrrrrrry interesting.

Lol.. that Shooter was the hero we needed.

Damn these 2nd amendment absolutist might be on to something…

It’ll be back next week.

Seems like the solution to greedy, shitty rich people ruining the lives of US citizens is obvious. They can’t be appealed to on an ethical level since they lack all ethics so it takes an extreme that triggers their self preservation to make the tiniest bit of correct action. 

I think the shooter saved a lot of lives by killing that greedy asshole. Fucking legend.

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