Jewish woman chased by men and youth armed with clubs during the Lviv pogroms, 1941, Ukraine

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Their neighbors. Those poor women. I can’t imagine their terror

‘’Get it all on record now – get the films – get the witnesses – because somewhere down the track of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower 1945

This is one of the most perturbing pictures I’ve seen. That poor half naked woman… the CHILD chasing her with a stick. God.

What a horrifying picture

Pure abomination

Disgusting lack of humanity on display then and though the world has improved on a whole, it is still as such now in so many places.

One of the worst WW2 photos I’ve seen. You can see the active terror on her face. Abhorrent.

So much grief and fear, in a single shot. So sad.

My family is from Lviv, like when it was Galicia/Ruthenia.  Not a single person survived the war who stayed on the continent.  

I hope the people who committed these terrible acts were haunted for the rest of their lives.

Gaslighters don’t care about evidence

Not sure why Ukraine is in the title. Lviv until 1939 was in Poland. In 1941 it was named just German occupied territory. After the war it became part of Ukraine when borders shifted in 1944. I know because my polish family lost land and has never gotten it back despite going to courts.

What happened to her?

So unfair unhealthy useless CRUEL

Hoping this poor lady eventually made it out into peaceful beautiful respectful LIFE

Horrific. That goes without saying.

The reality of the Holocaust is that the few hundred people actually in prison by 1947 were never going to balance the scales of justice. Relative to the total number of people who actively killed or contributed to the killing of its victims, you could reasonably argue that nearly every perpetrator got away with it. Just relative to the scale.

People can be cunts whatever their nationality.

Weird. First time I saw this posted, it was described as having been taken as the war was ending and the woman was accused of fraternizing with German occupiers. I guess I gotta research this stuff. And stop scrolling the “popular” feed.

There’s another photo from the same pogrom and it’s of a women covering the chest of a young girl who had her shirt ripped off

I thought she was french and was accused of sleeping with Germans?

What a disgusting/horrific photo.

Shocking (and fascinating) to think that briefly after this photo this woman must surely have been beaten to death. Once a mob senses blood like this there is no stopping them. Damn their souls for eternity.

Good God this has to be the most posted image on this sub.

I always see some post (especially since Ukr vs rus started) that ukriane is full of nazis. But they always conveniently leave out that

“An estimated 1.5 million Ukrainian Jews perished, and over 800,000 were displaced to the east; at Babi Yar (Ukrainian: Babyn Yar) in Kyiv, nearly 34,000 were killed in just the first two days of massacre in the city. The Nazis were aided at times by auxiliary forces recruited from the local population.”

Which is something I did not know.

*zips hazmat suit up before going into the comment section*


Heartbreaking and infuriating. We must never forget the atrocities of the past to prevent them from happening again

Does this pic get posted once a week in here?

Let’s just see how long it takes for this post, relating to anti-Jewish violence, to turn into an “and that’s why the Zionists deserved it” debate

Edit: oh wait it already has lol

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God the Nazis and Ukrainian Nationalists were awful, so sad to see.


As humans, we’re way too tribal.


is this going to be continuously posted ???

It’s Ukraine now but it should be referred to as occupied Poland in this time. Ukrainians have kept Lviv in good hands but the fact remains it was stolen unlawfully by the Soviets

This sub is a bunch of crappy reposts and wankers. One less wanker now because I am out.

This poor woman!

Heartbreaking photo

Terrible… good that there is a photo for the historical record…

People like to forget it wasn’t just Germans. There was a scary number of Europeans who participated in the holocaust as well and it’s a stain on European history not just German.

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