Job interviews these days

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The minute someone asks this question, I stand up and shake their hand and thank them for their time. This clearly isn’t going to work out as we’re too far apart.

They’re asking an opinion and it has a correct answer? lol

It’s probably for a career as someone that works on just commission 

I ended an interview recently because it was ridiculous from the start. There were no questions they were telling me what was going to happen. I would be commission only which i normally wouldn’t consider but it was a well known company and an established route. I would work 50 hours a week. The next part they went over multiple times so I figured there was an issue in the past. I would be expected to hold events in my own time in the evenings. 80% of the work day would be driving covering two cities. I asked what the travel policy was – do I get a car and credit card or mileage? They seemed confused possibly offended. I rephrased the question. They said neither I was on my own. To hell with that.

If the job is commission based this is a very real possibility and a good question to ask right away.

also job:
*needs 10 years experience for entry level position

As a Self-Employed Contractor, it’s par for the course.

“Are you aware this remote position for Lead X position that requires a minimum of 10 years experience is actually voluntary and the estimated wage range is what you would make after a year when the company has actually made money combined with the wage share program and market share disbursement (a.k.a. Not an actual paycheck) dependent on if we extend your contract after doing a year of free labor?”

Also do you know how to use Gen-AI?

I don’t see this as a negative.

It’s obviously a con to a job, as everyone would rather have a steady pay rate/check. But that’s just not the reality for some industries. I’ve worked on seasonal busy seasons my whole career, and it works well for me. Busy in the winter, slow in the summers.

They are transparent and open with their pay structure. They aren’t pulling a bait and switch. I’d rather them tell me right off the bat than find out two months in that the pay is not what I was lead to believe.

Correct answer should be “hell no”

Sales isn’t for everyone

That’s a requisite ask for sales jobs though… Y’all act like commission based jobs aren’t a whole industry. Maybe don’t apply for those jobs?

I remember interviewing for a director role at a startup a few years ago. They said “we aren’t ready to be paying a regular salary yet”…. uhhhh then you aren’t ready to hire yet? “Oh but equity!” Equity doesn’t mean shit unless this company takes off and it sure as hell isn’t paying my bills in the meantime.

If you work in commission/sales based roles then this is pretty common. Take a moment to assess the type of job you’re applying to before starting the app.

“Do you want to give me a million dollars?”


“Oopsie the correct answer is actually yes!”

A lot of hourly employees won’t have the same cheque every time due to not working the same amount of hours every week.

correct answer yes, lol 😀

It all depends on the pay

If I wanted a job with no steady paycheck, I’d work in a restaurant as a server.

That’s commission sales.

Fuck not burning bridges, if cocksucker business shills aren’t gonna treat me with decency I spit right in their face. lol

People forget that if a company wants to hire you, you also have leverage as a prospective employee. Nothing is stopping you from walking out of an interview or stopping midway through an application process if they try to pass through bs that you don’t agree with. Even if you desperately need a job, the second you start acting desperate to get hired/stay at a job is when a company will take advantage of you and you’ll be stuck in a shitty situation

I’m in sales my highest paycheck was 23k. My lowest was 3400.

Think the correct answer is actually “Fuck off”

What in the dystopian fuck is that?!

Ask them if they’d be comfortable with your performance varying on a week to week basis (for example, no steady output/performance). Fucking leech of a company.

the interviewer gives you a review sheet with the answer key before your interview

Be comfortable with insecurity so we can shaft you on other things not clear in our employee handbook every other month.

The answer is obviously YES and so is to the other question, “will your attendence in work vary from week-to- week for example you wont show up on tuesdays?”

I’m fine if it’s not steady due to overtime, but if the base rate isn’t steady, hell no.

(for example I only pay you scrap for overhours you definitely have to do, but next month you can’t hold me accountable to pay you jack shit? But you obviously have to be available otherwise you are not a teamplayer)

Are you independently wealthy but want a job that doesn’t pay and takes up all your time? Well have we got the opportunity for you!!!

yes, i always take more

Bro is ‘applying’ to a gig-job from some guy on Facebook that’s charging him $100 to sign-up for doordash.

Depends, do I have to work the same amount of hours every week for various pay?


The correct answer is: go fuck yourselves.

oh yes! i would like to take the entire reason of a job existing and just get rid of that.


“Tea or coffee?”


The fact that so many symptoms of a broken job and economic system end up in places like “funny” probably says a lot about how we think about those problems.

My walmart career for the last two years. And most my coworkers… is this a walmart quiz?

Is this a prostitute job?


*Would you be comfortable being periodically laid off but expected to return at the drop of a hat months later?

⚬ Yes

⚬ No

☉ Thanks for wasting my time

(Laughs in automotive technician, where this is the norm.)

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