@ Joe Rogan and friends. It’s so sad to see JR captured by his audience. My only hope is that Jamie explores this subreddit every now and then to talk some sense lmao.

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Young Jamie pull up how a half of a billion dollars changes you.

What’s wild is the divide between people who helped support the beginning of the pod and those who came to around 2016 and after. Haven’t seen that kind of divide in an audience before. It’s a real measure of change (change if what? You decide)

No because the documented instances of them being complete frauds, liars, and misinformation spreaders is actually just made up by the democrats and the deep state!…wait…what’s that? Republicans *are* the deep state? Bro don’t worry about it that’s just more democrat lies because they don’t want us to afford eggs, or something.

Fucking morons. The most dangerous part about them is that they legit believe they are saving the world. And they are, for the billionaire class, I guess. Yay for them.

Rogan has spent countless hours whingeing over Nanci Pelosi’s stock trading. Now the incoming president-elect, who he endorsed, has used his position to launch a cryptocurrency scam coin in which his insiders own 80% of the supply and he directly bleeds the buyers’ dry using smart contract trading fees. This level of financial corruption is not just unprecedented, but astonishingly direct and out in the open.

I can’t imagine what fury Rogan is about to unleash against Trump as someone who cares so deeply about financial corruption. Oh, he is going to go hard in the paint! Right!? Right??

Joe is the minister of information for the oligarchy. Don’t get it twisted; he’s one of them pretending to be an everyman.

I don’t understand this sub. We complain time and time again about Joe and his height but this is an actual thing you can make fun of. The comedians that rail about cancel culture still m and never get cancelled and get bigger.

Being a bill burr is way harder. Everyone gets irritated by him sometimes. But he has to toe that line. A guy like rogan can say anything and people would support him

“I hope Jamie will explores this subreddit”
If Jamie or Joe paid attention to this subreddit, it would ruin the show. Most of the opinions on this subreddit are dog shit

George Carlin, the goat, would hate Joe and all the other corporate knob polishing “comedians”.

Hahah yes, because this sub is the picture of rationality.

This sub is insufferable

This sub


War criminal?

I’m always going to vote against the party that seeks censorship and suppression of ones political opponents.

The elephant is a great symbol of Republicans, since elephants have the stereotype of being huge but afraid of mice. Same thing with white males being afraid of trans people, 0.5% of the population, ruining everything

“Waaaaaaaaaa he doesn’t agree with me anymore!”

Sometimes you forget Reddit is a liberal vacuum and then you come to this sub and see the constant bitching. If y’all don’t like it just don’t listen

Kyle has been on fire lately

Captured by his audience? What you rather he be captured by? Politicians? Hollywood? Money?

Why do the people on this sub have the ignorance (and arrogance) to think that Rogan, Jamie, and whoever else aligns with them give a flying fuck about what is said here let alone take time to come and listen to feedback posted on Reddit lol

And Kamala was not this ?


Is this the joe rogan sub?

Yes… because after listening to the 87,341st comedian or night show host make lazy easy jokes about Trump (ie: low hanging fruit), hearing a comedic viewpoint contrarian to the majority is refreshing. Comedy doesn’t have to be true or even endorsing… it just has to be funny.


I would love for Joe to have Kyle on again. He won’t but I’d love it . Unprotected parts the last time they started talking about Diddy and Joe mentioned all the celebrities involved, etc. that’s why they’re not saying anything so when they started talking about Epstein, he put it all on the girls and where are they???? Total spinning out of it because all of his oligarch buddies now were there

Seeing what the wealthy has done to erode this country is sickening

Rogan did as much as any one person to take a promising new form of media and insure that it is coopted by grifters and scubmbags in its infancy.

He’s the Rush Limbaugh of podcasting. The Morton Downey Jr. of online.

Fuck him and all the other media sycophants. He better keep dancing now because he helped create a dictator and I don’t think he realizes he’s going to be as fucked with as anyone else. Ask ole Thomas Cromwell how it feels to be the King’s favorite.

I hope he chokes on his money.

Kyle is the ultimate cuck. Also, never trust a man in their 40s that dye their hair that way…yikes.

Obviously Kyle’s worldview doesn’t hold up in the marketplace of ideas. He’s been on joes show a few times.

Parasocial weirdest kid in the entire school type of take

Sad to see what he’s become

This tweet is perfect for the recent protect our parks. Even when the guys are calling out Trump for shiting on Tony, Joe gives him a free pass. Trump fans can’t even make the most minor criticism of Trump.

Who’s on the other side? Bastions of hope, peace, and prosperity?

“I enjoyed influencing the election”

wtf happened to Kulinski 😂

How is Trump a war criminal? He’s stopped/prevented more wars than any president.

Kyle is an establishment Democrat shill. He’s doing the same thing as Rogan and Co you just think he’s morally justified because he’s on “your side”

The dude has been attacked by the left over and over again.

They censored him on youtube, they lied of him on cnn, they have tried to cancel him on his jokes.

And you honestly thought that he was going to remain neutral?

Remember when Donald was too old for Woodstock? Average age at Woodstock was 22. Statistically,

Lots of right-wingers in here pretending this is whining instead of legitimate criticism, no one is refuting what he is saying though.

Remember when comedians were doing musical damce numbers telling people to get vaccinations they didnt need? Joe can be a clown sometimes, but just a little bit of perspective here.

I’ve been hearing Alex Jones talk about the new world order for years and I never thought people like Joe Rogan and Alex Jones would be the one leading us into it. Things have changed so much
I remember when I used to admire Jr for being able to live in LA and not take on those Looney left ideas He was able to call balls a strikes. He moved to Texas and within 120 days Joe was so dramatically different. It just proves how much stronger the right to propaganda is.. JR used to be really fair. I remember whenever he talked about CNN and MSNBC he would say fox too. He would call all three of the cable networks propaganda. Now he never utters the word Fox. He only says CNN and MSNBC.. He hasn’t said anything either about musk taking people’s check marks that don’t agree with him.. He’s taking quite a few just in the last 3 weeks. And crickets from a bunch of people. I don’t think that Democrats can save us but I don’t think the Republicans can either.. Joe talks about politics so much now on every single show with every single guest and says the same exact thing It’s obvious that people are being sent to him to say these things. it’s not a coincidence that Dana White gets put on the meta board and Mark Zuckerberg is on Joe Rogan 3 days later. He’s part of the problem officially. He says I pick out my guest only That’s not true. You’re starting to see The way he’s going about things He’s out there setting narratives for people. It’s a shame. You guys know that so-called independent media is going to turn into the old media. I mean s*** Tim pool I mean got paid the spread Russia propaganda. He had to say four things a month for some godly amount of money like a million dollars.. It’s unbelievable.. That’s anything but independent..

Seriously though. There is something going on with Joes second spotify deal, which as far as rumors go, was also huge, but also let him upload to Youtube. Why is that? Is it to make sure his audience is as big as possible? Are some of the millions to make sure he talks shit about “liberals” every single episode? This recent protect our parks he just launched straight into it from nowhere. Was it to get the obligatory shit talk out of the way?

Joe has been dumb and more of a right winger for several years. But he hasn’t been Maga. Joe Rogans new deal was in August 2024. Who was on the podcast in august 2024? Peter Thiel. He also had Elon, Trump and Vance soon after that.

Something is going on. Since his new deal suddenly republicans can do no wrong, and every liberal person and every liberal policy is what is wrong with the country.

Very thought I’d see the day when people analyze comedians politician views…..this sub has gone to complete shit

Comedians like the funnier candidate. No way!

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