John Walker Lindh, an American Taliban member, after being transported to Camp Rhino. December 7, 2001.

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Wow, I forgot all about this guy. That picture was a time capsule.

Where is he now?

does anybody know why he is naked?

The American military is pretty kinky.

In February 2015, Lindh wrote to a California television producer,[55] expressing support for ISIS or the Islamic State, the militant group that had recently beheaded five Westerners in televised executions. Asked if he supported the Islamic State, Lindh, now calling himself “Yahya”, Arabic for John, replied in a handwritten letter: “Yes, and they are doing a spectacular job. The Islamic State is clearly very sincere and serious about fulfilling the long-neglected religious obligation of establishing a caliphate through armed struggle, which is the only correct method”.[56]

In 2017, Foreign Policy magazine reported an internal report by the National Counterterrorism Center asserted Lindh told a visiting television news producer that he had not renounced extremist violence.[53] Lindh was interviewed for the 2016 book The Way of the Strangers: Encounters With the Islamic State by Graeme Wood, on the condition that Wood provide Lindh with “books, treatises, articles, or other writings produced by leaders of the Islamic State and/or scholars affiliated with it (preferably in the original Arabic)”. Upon sending the package of literature was blocked from delivery by the prison as it was deemed contraband, however Lindh decided to continue corresponding with Wood, although Lindh later ended the correspondence by saying he was personally a “layman” whose opinions had “no consequence”, referring to his knowledge of the Islamic State.[57]

For all the cowards in the comments who defend Lindh, then block anyone who challenges them- here is an objective rundown of why this guy is not the victim:

JWL traveled to Afghanistan and fought for the Taliban prior to 9/11. This was already illegal even prior to 9/11 due to an Executive Order by Clinton in 1999 due to the Taliban’s known association with and support to Al Qaeda.

In 2001, he remained an armed combatant fighting for the Taliban despite the AUMF, which authorized the use of military force against the Taliban. At this point, JWL became an enemy combatant fighting against the United States.

By his own admission received training and instruction personally from bin Laden on at least one occasion, which is potentially punishable under terrorism statutes.

After the beginning of the War in Afghanistan, he did not immediately surrender, but remained with his unit until his commander surrendered the entire force to Northern Alliance troops.

Even when he encountered American agents, he did not identify himself, defect from his fellow Taliban prisoners, or in any way renounce his allegiance. He remained with this group throughout their prison uprising that resulted in the death of a CIA Officer. Though JWL denies taking active part in the uprising, he was a part of the group that carried it out. In criminal law, participating in a crime that results in death is felony murder, even if the participant did not directly cause that death.

He supported a tyrannical regime against his own country. He received training from designated terrorist ground who carried out the 9/11 attacks. He is a traitor and a jihadist. If not a terrorist himself, he is unquestionably a terrorist sympathizer.

I will not advocate for any particular punishment, but I cannot dispute strongly enough their characterization of JWL as some sort of a victim. He is guilty of the crimes he confessed to and very likely guilty of more.


He does NOT look like he’s simply having a wonderful Christmas time

He looks like The Shroud Of Turin.

He got off easy.
“Brought to trial in United States federal court in February 2002, Lindh accepted a plea bargain; he pleaded guilty to two charges and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. He was released on parole on May 23, 2019, for a three-year period of supervised release.”

I’m pretty sure that’s actually Paul McCartney

Transported like a literal fucking x-man.

Bad career move.

There’s a very good documentary that doesn’t just cover his capture but the whole revolt from “surrendered” Taliban at some fortress where one CIA agent was also killed.

Can’t remember the name of it right now but its worth the watch.

Russell Brand??

Subject of one of Steve Earle’s songs.
Not so innocent after all.

Damn. He fucked up.

All things considered this guy got off rather easy. He was released early for good behavior and, I think, currently lives in Ireland. 
Another dude, Jose Padilla, who had some drummed up “dirty nuke” bomb charges affixed to him is still serving time.

His bikini top left tan lines.

It looks like he is handcuffed to his rod.

He loved his Taliban buddies very very much.

Hey mister taliban tally me 🍌

george harrison, Dali Lama after party 1975

I think he discovered phisically the real definition of the word suffering when arriving at camp rhino

“When Lindh arrived at Camp Rhino, he was stripped and restrained on a stretcher, blindfolded and placed in a metal shipping container, which was procedure for dealing with a potentially dangerous detainee associated with a terrorist organization. On the day he left the Turkish School, he was photographed with the words “Shit Head” written onto duct tape on his blindfold by Green Berets posing for a “team photo” with their captive. The Green Berets, from ODA 592, were later investigated. While bound to the stretcher at Camp Rhino, Lindh was photographed by some American military personnel. ”

He deserved the prison sentence, but photographing him blindfolded & naked, & writing humiliating phrases on him seems like cruel & unusual punishment intended to humiliate him… y’know, war crimes.

And you might say “who cares, he’s a terrorist” but we’ve seen that “terrorist” is a label the government can apply to anyone that becomes inconvenient for them. You could get treated like this one day. There are innocent people who were tortured at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, CIA blacksites etc etc etc

The things the government did would be seen as undemocratic/authoritarian/terrorist behaviour if anyone other than the USA did them.

This looks just like Martin Starr, from the movie Knocked Up – check it out.

So he was flying Spirit airlines?

No overreaction on that one, eh?

It’s pictures like this why his influential and connected attorney parents were able to get him released from prison early.

Ah, that enhanced interrogation technique I´ve read that US use instead of cruel torture like other countries.


Oh yeah…remember that guy?

Cbt enjoyer

I think he left the US after parole and moved to Ireland.

Pic from his Only Fans page.

Steve Earle wrote a song about him.

The Band Hot Buttered Rum has a pretty good song about this guy. “The trail of John Walker Lindh”

Damn my birthday

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