Anyone know the actual reason or loophole? Genuinely curious.
3 months ago
Am I the only one who would’ve DEFINITELY snitched as well for 60,000? (I have zero sympathy for the “victim”, may he rest in piss.) Like- that’s life changing money and the guy was going to get caught eventually anyways, bro had his entire face out on video and kept the murder weapon ON HIM for whatever fucking reason. We all were rooting for him and he fumbled so fucking hard.
3 months ago
lol the fucking guys family is more involved with the health care sector, is under investigation for malpractice and is richer than the dude he killed yet Reddit is sucking him off and blasting the minimum wage worker for trying to help catch a murderer. You liberals are so woefully hypocritical and oblivious to reality it’s unreal.
Anyone know the actual reason or loophole? Genuinely curious.
Am I the only one who would’ve DEFINITELY snitched as well for 60,000? (I have zero sympathy for the “victim”, may he rest in piss.) Like- that’s life changing money and the guy was going to get caught eventually anyways, bro had his entire face out on video and kept the murder weapon ON HIM for whatever fucking reason. We all were rooting for him and he fumbled so fucking hard.
lol the fucking guys family is more involved with the health care sector, is under investigation for malpractice and is richer than the dude he killed yet Reddit is sucking him off and blasting the minimum wage worker for trying to help catch a murderer. You liberals are so woefully hypocritical and oblivious to reality it’s unreal.
They should file an appeal