just 4 more days.

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Tumblr will outlive us all

Vine needs to come back.

Do Twitter next. . .oh wait.

Meanwhile I’m busy not being able to possibly care less.

Now what will I be forced to listen to at full volume in the break room?

TikTok is not going for everyone. Just you guys in the US.

I miss vine 🙁

How many more days until we find out how much VPN stock congress bought?

I am so fucking excited.

Only because I goddamn hate vertical video and miss when the internet mocked it relentlessly.

Ban it already, i have an addiction they have to help me

Rip musically

Couldn’t vine just come back ? I mean people like the short videos ?

I might get my gf back

Oh no…anyway

I’m going to enjoy the brief bit of peace in the break room until all the dimwits discover the next thing that allows them to repeat the same loud noises over and over.

See I don’t really care because I don’t use it often, but I’m gonna miss my cat playing card games, baking, and foraging videos where I don’t have to have it on my other social media lol

The biggest unforced error is that America literally created TikTok in Vine and then Twitter killed it off before it could take off the same way.

I miss Vine.

RIP Vine. My friends and I were sending them back and forth to each other last night because they’re still good.

y’know the funniest part? tiktok was already pretty far down the path of shittification-flooded with ads, sponsors, pushing the in house shop etc

the us gov’t could’ve just waited it out for a few years and it would’ve faded like all those before, but they panicked about their lack of control/their sponsors failure to compete

Now when will it be Facebook and Twitter/X turn to die?

I really want humanity to stop using Twitter and Facebook FOREVER.

Vine > all other social media

Ironic name is ironic.

What’s other 2

so tiktok dies without having downloaded it even once, I’m very proud of myself

How did the government kill the first 2?

vine had a predecessor?

Not even a clue as to what the first two are.

What’s the first one?

Can we get Vine back?

No… I still miss you, vine

It’s still going to be up for the rest of the world

Bring vine back

Musically came after vine, no?

I miss Vine. It was a big part of the early 2010s.

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