Just 9,000 years ago Britain was connected to continental Europe by an area of land called Doggerland, which is now submerged beneath the southern North Sea.

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Now Doggerland is just a pub in Edinburgh

Imagine the wealth of human artifacts lost under the ocean

What a river that must be in the channel there. The Rhine, Meuse, Schelde, Thames, Somme and Seine combinedโ€ฆ

Doggerland and any civilisation in it was likely wiped out by a sub-marine avalanche off the Norwegian coast causing an enormous tsunami 7000-5000 years ago.

The original Brexit

Netherlands expansion plans revealed?

And it all got flooded? what happened ?

Imagine the wealth of human artifacts lost under the ocean

That is fascinating – there’s a dogging and Brexit joke in there somewhere…

Ah yes, Doggerland. Where dogs roamed freely and you could walk to the continent for a decent baguette. Simpler times.

Legend has it that on a clear night in Norfolk you can still see the headlights flashing from beneath the wavesโ€ฆ

Thereโ€™s an awesome video on this topic from miniminuteman


That is Beleriand for you there.

Quite interesting to see. I suppose there could be some submerged evidence remaining of human habitation – I if anything at all has ever been detected?

Apparently there was a Viking in his Forties who was a moderate to rough Dogger.

And now Doggerland is just a small patch of wasteland behind the Asda car park.

And Ireland by the looks of that narrow little land bridge from Scotland to the north of Ireland.

Those were the days…

Idk if it sounds silly, but I just think about all those places people found special, places they called home, lived their whole lives, watched the sun rise and set with people they loved, now submerged deep beneath the waves. Poignant in a time of rising sea levels, but also part of the inevitable changes that come with deep geological time.

And God said unto the people of Doggerland “Stop that!”, but the people of Doggerland were like “no, we like it”.

This made God angry so he said “Right then, I’m flooding you out, you bunch of cunts.”

And so it was.

Ancient real estate market took a tumble back then

Bloody Doggers, ruined Doggerland!

Oh so this is where Dogger comes from in the shipping forecast

I watched a Time Team one time about this and they spoke to Dutch sailors who dredge it and bring up mammoth tusks

That makes so much sense now.

Few things that happened 9,000 years ago:

* **Neolitihic revolution** – around the time when humans started settling areas, domesticating animals and starting farms – allowing them to stay in place year round and form towns.

* **Warming up from ice age** – Climate started warming up from the last ice age, so I’m guessing this is why the area was still accessible and as things warmed up, “doggerland” was submerged from melting glaciers that were formerly landlocked.

This reminds me of Beleriand

If you want a little more information -Miniminuteman had a great video on this 4 months ago

9000 years is REALLY not long at all… Thats crazy recent.

Britain… And Ireland by the looks of it

Do they ever look for lost civilizations? We are living on higher elevations. I am sure some larger civilizations were living closer to the water at the time before the Younger Dryas

Got reminded of this fact through an unlikely place, the TV show The Rig (fun show).

9,000 years ago on earth’s time scale is nothing – basically just the other day. At basically the start of the current geological epoch. But in the age of man that’s a different world. The humans who lived during that time is almost alien to us humans today.

Apparently a piece of Norway fell off and caused a bit of a stir which sank it.

I read that as Dogeland and realised browsing Reddit recently ruined me…

Just wait until you learn about Pangea


Dang global warming got it

Fuck climate change. Wait a moment..

Ahhh, so that is where dogging was invented?


The rest of Europe realized that this meant british people could walk to them thus they decided for the greater good to sink doggerland

Hey OP

It’s not fucking Doggerland…never mind how many fat milffs in the back of escorts there areย 

It’s The GulF of York

To the sticks with youย 

(Can’t find the fucking Reddit post)

damn climate change !

Gosh damn global warming.

Damn global warming.

Ohh so *that’s* what the Sailor Mouth title card song is about…

Only 9000?

Why Ireland and Britain separated so much earlier than Britain and continental Europe?


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