just another thug™️

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“He was no angel”

How did this take so long to come out? These drunk drivers gotta pay

“Sometimes drug dealers get shot”

Luigi was clearly acting in self defense against this criminal drug dealer

Well well well…
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I’m so glad that someone did something to protect us from this MONSTER!! Thank you to Whoever it was that acted in Self Defense of all Americans, protecting us from the assault, torture, and murder that this psychopath dispensed on our neighbors!

Always lock my door when “those” types come around. I’m not racist, it’s a matter of safety.

Soulless eyes, but will anyone ever see this mugshot?!

So when are we gonna get the toxicology reports back??… who’s knows maybe it coulda been the fenty in his system that killed him and not the bullets

Rich folks and legacy media been working overtime to try making everyday people feel sorry for a dead healthcare CEO who made bank off of 100’s of 1,000’s of people suffering & dying from being denied the medical care they needed & paid into, and then throw fits when that same dead greedy rich fuck gets more exposed for being the shitbag that he is.

Keep it coming, Internet. Oligarchs deserve no sympathy, nor compliance, nor peace of mind.

He could have killed someone driving drunk. He would have gotten probation.

That man was not truly humble under god

Looks like a Broncos offensive lineman

When he was shot why wasn’t this the 1st picture shown on the news and plastered on social media?

Thought it would be a picture of the guy back in college or something.

That picture looks like he got pulled over on his way to that board meeting.

Disgusting thug

Media should be using this pic instead

*He was no angel”*

that’s why I keep an eye on those “people”…

Megyn Kelly about to get his ass!

“A known criminal”

Actual terroristic public menace who could have blindly killed numerous bystanders vs the assassin blasting a single target from a few feet away.


No neck havin muthafucka

Seeing another Drug Dealer’s middle man’s mugshot really ain’t that special 😬


A menace and risk to society.

His head is nearly a perfect cube

He look like fucking Ricky from trailer park boys

Knowing he was from Iowa, that actually doesn’t really surprise me

Suburban Thug

Cleary no father in the home. Hate hate hate.


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