Just get into an Ivy and kill a CEO theory?

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Modern dating as a man is cooked

guys when they discover women make jokes too

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You failed in life unless you went to an Ivy and took down a healthcare insurance CEO. You will never get a girlfriend if not.

Ngl posting everyday about how bad things things are for you dating wise is not gonna help especially when this is a joke

ah yes one tiktok joke is apparently women’s gospel now

You need help my man, you’re actually torturing yourself, this isn’t healthy

i’m not worried about dating women anymore. they can have their preferences, i can have mine (i’ll date almost anyone with a pulse)

Stupid gender war rage bait. Don’t fall for it

This is the most obvious joke ive ever seen but OP is posting this screenshot and bitching about it completely unironically

Yall brush off the disgusting shit some men say on here but the MINUTE a woman makes a joke that’s obviously being sarcastic suddenly it’s not ok?

Be an Ivy League graduate healthcare CEO assassin. Bitches love Ivy League graduate healthcare CEO assassins.

The red pill is real. If you’re 20 and you haven’t earned your first million or slept with 200 women, you should just give up. Donate your body to science or something so they can study what failure looks like from a medical perspective.

Op username “Browncelibate” and regularly posts/visits incel type subs. That tracks.

Incels can’t take a joke anymore, and yet they call us woke.

replying to an obvious joke in this way is pathetic and the reason you cant find someone

Women are funny too

bet the comments were brutal too

This is exactly what women want yes. Better get to it

Just wait 15 years until youre husband material and she’s had her fun.

Don’t forget his $30M inheritance

the more i see the online behavior, the more im glad im single

If you’re serious, mega cringe.

if you’re trying to be funny, you failed blud.

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