Just passing time while traveling

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Per /u/CrashAid in [September 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/d4ss04/cross_stitching_on_a_plane/f0grfsr/):

> I’m married to that woman. No seriously, I just picked her up from the airport and saw this on Reddit when we got home. She wants you to know that the cross-stitching pattern is “Copyright of Gabby Jerome – StitchyLittleFox”.

Shoutout to /u/StitchyLittleFox.

I’d want to be her friend, but I also think she’s wanting to be left alone.

Are you allowed to bring needles to the airplane now?

Kinda bit of a Karen haircut but with a f**k your manager vibe 😛

For Christmas I made one for my boyfriend that said YOUR TINY DICK IS NOTHING and worked on it on the plane. (Someone at a Trump rally yelled that at him and I thought it should be commemorated)

Tell me your intrusive thoughts without vocalising them.

Whoever this person is, they are a legend!

Perfect gift for the trumper in your family.

Like one by one?


This was originally posted five years ago.

10 bucks this lady works in HR. Maybe even one at our org, they have the best jokes.

Must be from Seattle, where we happily eat bags of [Dick’s](https://www.ddir.com/)

I love this crafty queen

“Cross stitch this I’m a bag of d!cks
Put thread to your lips”
Nobody Sew by Run the Crafts

Lol, lovely work.

I like her already!!!

https://www.ddir.com/ Joins the conversation…


She’s probably going to visit her Mother In Law.

Must be flying into Seattle

Taking a great trip have a safe flight

Grandma is not handling well the divorce

r/alestorm lol

Can’t believe the TSA allowed needles on the plane. She might have hijacked the aircraft /s

Up here in Seattle [this hits way different](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick%27s_Drive-In)


She’s an icon. She is the moment.

Excuse me, ma’am… I believe we are meant to be friends. Best of friends, in fact.

The manager refused to speak to her.

You can buy them in bags?

My uncle went on a rant on FB about shitty music. Didn’t understand what he was on about, so I sent a message to my aunt. They both live in the USA, and apparently, he went to bed rather than watch the rest.

Was it bad? Or is he just being a pissed off 68 year old?

Delta CRJ

I would offer her cash on the spot

This lady is an Archer fan, I presume.

Outfit and hairstyle (even glasses) checks out

Do I really read what I read?

Maranda stole her casserole recipe. What a dumb *****. But Sandra is still classy about it, she will let her know with her next hostess present.

Someone please tell me that the words are photoshopped

Karen blue hair. Heavy and tattoos, all checks out

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