Just pretend you didn’t see it

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Mine drunkly messaged me apologizing for everything. Turns out his girlfriend left him and he was regretting some life choices.

This happened to me, and he sent me a very genuine apology and asked about how my life is going. Not the worst thing to accept and see what happens.

He digievolved into a cyber bully!

You are not required to accept someone’s apology.

But oftentimes, especially when regarding school children, people change and accepting the apology can help get over trauma

why just what for

accept it and troll the shit out of them

I don’t know about you guys but I befriended them through multiple drinking in a bar!

I even got a best friend ( from a bully ) from elementary scool

There’s ofcourse some I couldn’t make my friend, cause it was I who did not forgive for some actions of theirs, but I kinda understood their strugle (for exsample: 1 gipsy who got bullied in the fostercare, by his eldest brother)

Lets be frank, ghosting is a sport on this plattform.

Based on my personal experience and other comments here, I’d say there’s a solid chance it’s to apologize. Had a guy that used to be a bit of a bully in school stop me when he saw me out biking. He said he was moving and wanted to apologize for the way he acted in school while he could. Sometimes it just takes a while for people to come around.

Accept his friend request.

Then tell him to go fuck himself

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