Just ruminating on the current super light mouse trend

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If you toss a mouse and it goes through the wall, it’s not a mouse, it’s a fuckin brick.

I like my brick.

Sheeeit, I remember having a ball in my mouse ๐Ÿ˜‚

Me with 6oz of lead in my mouse….

I had one of those mice that came with different weights and I couldn’t tell a damn difference in My mouse moving performance. Light or heavy it seems just as easily controllable. I also once bought a gaming keyboard and ultra low latency this and that and my performance in battlefield 3 was just as poor as it was before

Still rockin all the weights in my g502 hero. I love a heavy mouse

I also got the heaviest Logitech g5 in the world

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I know, I know, I’m probably exposing myself to a terrible poisoning.

Logitech G502 Hero with ALL the weights loaded and still plays fine in FPS games.
I have a spare weight as well but no place to put.

Super lights just feel cheap to me. To each their own though.

Yeah lol
Once I got a Superlight mouse I started to question what the point of those weights was supposed to be. Light weight is so much better.

Iโ€™m a simple man Deathadder since there was deathadder thatโ€™s all I will ever need.

Yeah, the ball used to make it heavier

Back in the day I bought a Mad Catz R.A.T. It was so over the top, I loved that.


it was all keyboard!

back in my day!

It was a sad day when Logitech stopped making my favorite brick mouse, the g604

r/MouseReview ragebait

Used to? 502 Hero is still on sale. Last I checked it was under $40 too.

I memba

I donโ€™t rlly care tbh. I never liked the weighted ones and I didnโ€™t get my super light one for its weight either. It just happened to have the features I was looking for

Now I have to go searching for a heavy mouse, these feather light ones suck when you are working in photoshop. I usually drop my dpi down to like 600 just for a super slow pointer to make up for the fact that a slight draft will push it around.

I got one, can’t tell if I like it because it’s light or it’s not wired. Kind of want to get one like my old one but not wired and see what I like. I admit I feel like I can move the light one a lot better.

Iโ€™m 40 and I donโ€™t remember that

Still using my 10 year old G920 Spectrum ๐Ÿ˜‚

G502 hero has weights. Still not enough and theyre all in

They still are being sold

Totally not me with weights in my mouse

Had to check the sub before it clicked this was referring to computer mice, early morning reddit scrolls really hit different lmao

I got a G502 Hero 3 months ago and it came with adjustable weights

I got a new Logitech G502 X. Upgraded from G502 Hero. I’ll admit, it’s gonna take some time to get used to a lightweight mouse again. Same shape, feels like I could flick it and it would go for miles. Not a fan.

I still remember my Microsoft Sidewinder Mouse that had a little drawer where you could put your weights. And it also had removable feed so you could change the little sliding pads in case you wanted more resistance. It was a good mouse back in the day, but man what a strange thing. Even back then.

I have put some weights in my g502 because it’s so uncomfortable to have the mouse so light lol

Ergo-freak here! I know r/pcmasterrace is mostly about gaming and Iโ€™m an ergo pro. But I like it when my mice are heavier. Donโ€™t get me wrong, I have a lightweight G604 for gaming. But I also use an MX Master 3S for productivity (and wish it were heavier) and an MX Vertical as a daily driver.

I still have weights in my g502 and I will till the day I die!

I donโ€™t get it that dumb ultra-light craze. Yeah, it’s nice if you flail your arms around like crack addict with a weak bladder that just downed a gallon of high caffeine capital G -Gamer Kool Aid. Especially because you set your mouse to move one inch per table length. I’d rather reduce my mousing are to as little as possible, I got the sensitivity to back it up.

My lizard brain is definitely susceptible to the “heavier=higher quality”, I have all the weight in my g502…

Logitech mx1000 was the pinnacle of mouse tech.

It was massive and heavy. It was perfect.

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