Just saw this. From Minnesota.

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Where do I know him from? Sure would be nice if he was in some position of governmental power. Oh well at least we’ve got cheap eggs am I right?

It was a great day!

What’s disheartening is that the total who showed was 320. I’ve got 1000 in my local. 292 has like 5000, 110 has like 2800. We have this opportunity to show up in force every year and we always have a pitiful turn out. It’s a paid day.

What we could’ve had instead of that used orange tampon we have in the White House.

Can someone remind me why this guy isn’t our country’s VP?? Like, do Americans hate unions and love billionaires that much?

Walz would have made a terrific VP. It’d be great to have a White House filled with compassion.

Not only would he have made a great vice president he would’ve made a Excellent president.

Every time I see Governor Walz I think of a reddit comment that really stuck with me about him…

“Its funny because walz is the most non stock owning least wealthy…most normal person to every come that close to the presidency in modern American history.
But instead we get a venture capital, career lobbyist turned right wing media trained culture warrior ….”

Real brothers in this pic ✊

United we fight ✊

Sorry the country voted against unions when they elected Elon.

Ok but what about her emails?

And the brown people in this country …


America fucked up not electing this guy.

As a 110 puke I’m proud of my brothers and sisters for going to the hill and making their voice heard. Also proud of my governor for signing up to run for VP. Sadly minnesota politics have bad luck getting into the oval office. Here’s looking at you, Mondale.

My ticket: Walz / Fain 2028 💪🏾

And to think, he could have been our VP.

To bad the person running was a black women, amiright /s

Woohoo, that’s my governor!

How many voted Trump? Dumbest thing I’ve seen, to be a union member and vote Trump

Yall fucked up

We could’ve had it all, goddammit. 😪

This guy should be the VP right now. Instead we have mascara momma. Trump’s bitch boy.

Hell yeah!

Wow unions can’t fight back the tyrants they were created for to battle, what the fuk people is there left if we can’t agree billionaires are bad for our interests

yep,and this man could’ve been VP,instead we got an embarrassment to Ohio,the world and human beings in general…

honestly though, i actually *would* vote for this motherfucker to be president. unmuzzle the walz. unleash the tim. give me more car repair tips and feed the children.

We could have had him as our vice president, but people hated that he provided feminine hygiene products for free and gave free school lunches to students.

Also, you can’t convince me that this man isn’t a living embodiment of Santa Clause: spreading joy and cheer everywhere he goes. He’s everything I love about mid-western culture: just a bunch of honest, hardworking people, always eager to help their neighbors out.

Why can’t he be president? He’s a Bruh.

Really wish my family of electricians weren’t all die hard Trump fans…

This is awesome! The brother at the front of the picture looks fucking cooked to dude

Bro should start campaigning right now. Throw some big ass rallies.

I was just thinking about what he would’ve accomplished if he was our VP, but instead we have a couch fucker who wear mascara and hates his own family.

This is who we could’ve had 😔

Nice work. Thank you all for showing up.

I hope he runs for president in 2028.

This is what we could have been, America, but instead you chose … well…Anyway

Good to see the Happy Horse Whisperer….

Lucky Minnesotans, you have the real deal governing your stste!

Fuck, we could have had him as VP instead of that bitch-face, JD-couch-humper. How cool would that have been? Oh well.

Man Walz needs to make a run for the White House in three years (assuming we still have a country and something at least resembling free elections).

Wish he was our vice president. Very lucky and smart people of Minnesota.

Enjoy it while you can, with all the employment protection laws and departments being eliminated, it wont matter if you are union or not anymore.

Said it before the election, but I still think it was a mistake not having Walz at the top of the ticket.

Gephart has been a damn good contractor so far!

He’s a 23 year enlisted army national guard veteran, highschool teacher/football coach that grew up on a farm in Nebraska….but Tampon Tim is an alliteration so I guess I’m voting for the Orange coward.

I’m seriously thinking about moving to Minnesota. I have an autoimmune disease and I hear great things about their Healthcare

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