Just some Saturday fun ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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Eggseptional use of the passive aggressive tense!

That is un oeuf.

I bought a dozen eggs for $3 today. Singapore dollars.

In America that’s at least worth one Tesla share

Great flex, that’s my mortgage right there lol

This makes me want to up a bunch of eggs for no reason

Cmon guys, a yolk’s a yolk, right?


Well lookit Mr. Moneybags ‘ere.

You son of a bitch.

There goes someone’s retirement fund!

Got egg ?

Hahahhahah i fucking love this!!

Eggorroni pizzlette

Oh my god, a million dollars

A 50 dollar breakfast

There’s no shortage where I’m at in America. I just had 3.

6 bucks for a dozen extra large. Plenty more at the store.

Is this happening in the cities?

I got a neighbor with like 50 chickens eggs are free for me.

Found Gaston

As a Canadian I can go out and easily get 30 eggs for under $10 CAD.

Thing is what Trump hates about us regarding Trade is our supply management practices when it comes to things like dairy or in this case eggs. He wants us to get rid of it. Thing is it clearly works. We got hit by the bird flu as well but our system managed it effectively without leading to price increases.

Am I the only one picturing Mr Burns saying egg-cellent

Lmfaoooo should have served them eggs Benedict to represent who we currently have in office ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Not really r/MadeMeSmile, this place is usually wholesome stuff, not something making fun of another, or worse, making a joke about a legitimate issue.

Alright Europe, walk me through what necessitates that many eggs NOW.

Why are Europeans on Reddit absolutely obsessed with this minor issue? Thereโ€™s a thousand other ways to flex on America right now. This is just so little

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You egg-loving bastards! Lmao <3

No, I’m actually glad things aren’t as terrible as they are here everywhere <3

I do miss omelets though lol

Eggs are back down to pre 2025 prices, theyโ€™ve dropped 43% in the last 2 weeks ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Hahahahaha !

Eggs are 3$ a dozen in SC.

Who needs eggs when we have bullets. /s

With toast and beans?

I could do the same thing. My hens just started laying in OCT so the next 5-6 years are looking pretty good

those white yolks seriously disturb me

“Give me all the bacon and eggs you have.”

Whatever. I have chickens

Look at Europe, throwing money away.

Teasing americans with oil and eggs is the conclusion last few yearโ€™s american society.


Hahahha, I have my own laying hens so egg shortage is no impact to me. Honestly I’m doing great selling my overstock of eggs.

if it werent for us, youd all be eating german fries! /s

I will never financially recover from this

Love it!
Eggceptional breakfast.

MMmmmmmm egg good.

Me happy egg affordable again.

Eggspect you’ll eggsperience a gassy morning

Those are so overcooked.

Bastards. They look delicious and like Iโ€™d have to take a loan out to get them

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