Justice for the shooter

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Of all the people the media warns us about, they never warn us about the men in suits that do the most damage.

It’s bizarre that the media is seeing this murder as a “senseless act” when it’s one of the most logical murders in American history.

What I find fascinating is I’m sure the shooter didn’t know how the world would react to this.

No way could he have predicted we’d all be out here saying “I didn’t see shit”

It must be a trip to know that so many people are out here rallying around him.

This “crime” started something bigger than anyone could predict, must be wild for him to see this happening.

I can’t believe that ceo killed himself.

I was taking to my wife earlier about it and I thought about it. What if the dude himself is dying of cancer and is fed up with being denied coverage for treatment and now he’s going to die and it doesn’t really matter if he gets caught by the cops or not. And this is just sort of a “fuck it, I’m out” situation.

You hear about healthcare CEO that was shot?

1st hospital he was taken to was out of network.

2nd hospital had no pre-treatment authorization.

3rd hospital said couldn’t treat as deductible not met.

I would love to see a silent and peaceful protest by hundreds of people dressed as the shooter walking down Wall Street. The money people need to see how outraged and triggered most Americans are feeling right now.

Justice for the shooter would be to get his travel expenses covered, a mental health plan for having to take the life of another person, and some vacation pay for 2 weeks.

I’m grateful to the shooter for demonstrating the pervasiveness of the surveillance state, and the true capabilities of our law enforcement system. That was some DAMN impressive police work. I wonder if the murder of ANY other person on that street would have elicited a similar response, but somehow I doubt it.

The fact so many people voted for Donnie Jon because they felt lives were shit and so many people have shown support for the shooter even though he literally murdered someone should alarm the wealth class.

If the shooter got what he deserved, it would be a high five, free food, and beer every night of his life.

Deny defend depose 

I’m gonna support this guy because he did the right thing. He avenged millions of people murdered and disenfranchised by that piece of shit CEO. Myself included, I’m glad he’s dead, and I hope he’s the first of many.

He is a folk hero. I hope he is never caught and I hope he strikes again.

The shooter killed one person. That person killed millions…

Where do you think he is now? If he can bag another CEO he’s going into the history books. I can’t imagine a NY jury convicting this guy if it was motivated by an insurance denial. I hope they never catch him, but if they do I can’t wait for the jury selection process. The prosecutor will have to ask if potential jurors ever had a claim denied by UHC. They might catch a few that way, but it’s going to look really really bad to intentionally exclude the people UHC harmed.

yeah, I’d let this guy crash at my place and tell the cops to go fuck themselves if they came asking after him

There are more of us (poor people) than them (insanely rich people). Maybe this will remind everyone of the simple things like cause and effect. Just saying.

I hope the shooter sits back each night to relax and read all the support. A true hero.

Let the rich live in terror.

…. the ones that live, anyway.

Health insurance in this country is systemic theft and then murder.

The military industrial complex is murder and then theft.

Don’t let the suits and patches fool you into believing otherwise.

Keep him secret, keep him safe

People don’t have to rally. There’s this thing known as jury nullification. The jury can just rule that he’s innocent.

Police sure try when it’s a rich fat fuck who’s got.

I’ll read his obituary with great interest

You know what they say;
Kill one person and you’re a murderer.
Kill 10,000 and you’re a conqueror…..
It’s not immigration or abortion, trans or religious issues that is the downfall of our country it big business. Exxon mobile made over 25 billion dollars after taxes this last year and double that the year before. They raised prices during the pandemic because supply was down and now supply is up and the prices are still up. Trump fooled you into believing it’s China and Mexicans or gays, but it’s our own corporations raking in huge profits on our backs.

The revolution has begun (I hope)

If fascism can pop up over night so can revolution.

I don’t think we are this far away from people to start to take matters into their own hands, especially if this new regime is nothing but billionaires lining their own pockets while the 99% keep losing.

Jury nullification is legal in NY!

I don’t know, I have United Healthcare and they recently denied my request for a CT scan. I’m feeling sassy about it and own several hoodies, somebody better come and check me out, just saying.

Who knows where I’ve been over the last few days?

I suspect we will start seeing stricter gun laws if this trend keeps going, the rich polticians preach the 2nd amendment until its pointed right at them. No remorse for a scum CEO who let policies pass that litteraly kill people for a few extra buck.

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