Justin Trudeau has announced his resignation as leader of the Liberal Party

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Ending his time as Canadaโ€™s Prime Minister after almost 10 years.
He will remain in-power until a replacement party leader has been allocated.

2024 was rough for world leaders with all the resignations and 2025 doesnโ€™t look any better for them

Although a ton of Canadians have turned against him (don’t forget, we *did* elect him to begin with) I’m definitely not looking forward to the next idiot in line.

Canada brace yourself for a ride,and it’s gonna be a bumpy one

Don’t like him, and he should have left a while back, but the hatred he gets for the pandemic is beyond ridiculous.ย ย 

“Hop on pop” is going to be far worse.ย  Alas there ain’t any leader of any party that will stand up to Trump.

I see so many people voicing their hatred and dislike for him but never *why*. Is he legitimately bad or is this just a case of people being propagandized and not examining it?

I hope everyone understands that the next person will be just as “bad” or worse, right? If you’re not complaining, some other schmuck will be. This culture we have going on right now, where everyone is a political expert, it doesn’t make any sense.

Oh man. Trump is going to try and force his way into this process so hard. It’s going to be ugly. Wouldn’t be surprised if elmo tries to get all up in that too.

As a Canadian (who doesn’t live there anymore), and someone who isn’t a Trudeau fan, I’m worried. There’s been a huge increase in racist behaviour in the last couple years in Canada and it feels like this is going to help drive the next election/next PM towards Conservative, which during Trump’s 2nd presidency is only going to be bad for Canada and for POC.

He didnโ€™t want to deal with the next president.

now full time milf-hunter

Now to let the conservatives deal more irreparable damage to the countey. In 6-8 years we’ll be mad at them and vote the liberals back in and the cycle will continue. We need either voting reform or for people to realize we don’t have a 2 party system.

I know next to nothing about Canadian politics but given the discourse around them and the USA. It seems like they would want to avoid any disruptions.

Please do enlighten me if there is something I’m not likely to know (almost anything)

He did the right thing. It gives liberal enough time to look for the next candidate. Good on him

Probably doesn’t wanna have to work closely with Shitler in the US. I’d leave too before that orange cancer stunk up my office during a visit…

2025 looks to be a continuation of the craziness of 2024.

As a Canadian I think I speak for a lot of us when I say. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Also fuck Pierre and his shitty Policies

Is tRump and his fellow billionaires going to try to get that position filled with another billionaire so they all can work together and rule all of North America by rule of oligarchy?

There goes the first black prime minister of Canada

As an American, I can only guess at what the next Canadian leader will be like, but I have a feeling he is not going to do a better job. At least Trudeau appeared to push back against us. He/she is going to be under constant pressure from Musk, Trump, and Russian bots on social media.

He can start full time cucking Trump with Melania – she was really into him


Good. At least Canadians can have a brief window of hope for improvement before the crushing reality sets in once more! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Need an election asap. Liberals have lost the faith of the country.

Sorry Justin. Although you actually have ethics and morals and really love Canada, the Trumpies have taken over. I certainly did not agree with everything the Liberals did, but if we get PP we are doomed.

He probably canโ€™t stomach the thought of having to deal with our next president

Sad day. Hopefully they can muster up a reasonable person to replace him.

Lil PP needs to get trounced so bad he slinks back into the oil pit he oozed out of.

Well shit, what’are all the guys with the ‘FUCK TRUDEAU’ flags gunna do now?

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