By detox02
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Lol no, ain’t happening

Also, why is it on him to fire the first shot of the “revolution” for a country where 1/3 actively wanted this and another 1/3 couldn’t be bothered to even care or vote?

How bout Tyler and Becky get up in their MAGA relatives faces instead of meekly looking down into to their plate at family dinners?

Yeah his mic will not have a battery in it

I need him to have his Jim Morrison moment but he’s just as much a part of the machine as anyone

Same yt liberal energy as this shit:
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Stop waiting for people who make in a day what you make in a year to champion your fight. They not gonna bite the hand that props them up.

Dude has a family and kids. Why you want him to self sabotage?

Is anyone else a little concerned on Trump being at this year’s super bowl? Like, the president who has done some absolutely heinous things the past few weeks, being at such a huge, massively populated event…

There’s a potential somethings gonna happen isn’t there?

I can tell the folks who don’t listen to his lyrics at all. He is not your savior.

Yea,they’ll cut his mic halfway through ‘president’. NFL owners and comish aren’t going to let some black dude openly trash the dude they funded and voted for so they can pay even less in taxes.

These are the same owners who allowed the Trump to shit talk Kappernick for kneeling, but as *soon* as he told the owners what to do about protesting, they wanted to do that performative kneeling bullshit.

he’d have the entire world jaw dropped like that first time hearing “A Minor~~~~”

I just saw an interview where Mikey Roarke said he’s gonna keep his comment to himself now after he was visited by secret service. So, I’m guessing Kendrick is gonna do the same

the halftime shows are always mimed, so he wouldn’t have much of a chance to do that even he wanted to

yall are so goddamn corny

Let’s see if he’s really bout to watch the party die

After Justin Timberlake whipped out Janet’s titty they have really strong contracts that probably would stop him from doing something like that

I honestly think trump will be complaining about K.dot’s performance on twitter and Drake is going to like his tweets

What exactly would this accomplish? Do you really think this would make a difference to Trump voters? Like after everything else Trump has done, this would be the thing that’d make them see the light?

This stunt would just harden his supporters’ reverence for him. They love to play victim


Unfortunately the halftime show is recorded, it’s a lip sync

So is Kendrick for the people or not? Lmao yall pick and choose but let’s use the platform to bash Drake instead of real black/current issues. But I don’t expect nothing from someone who had convicted pimps and murders on stage with him but disguise it as the culture and fighting for the people. Still can’t even go to la til this day wearing the wrong color.

*hey siri play third verse of not like us* 🤭

I wish, but he ain’t messing up his money for that

this shit corny lol

Y’all having more energy against Drake than Donald fucking Trump is probably telling of something lol.

Kendrick is rich. If you all think he’s going to make some kind of political statement you’re delusional. It’s significantly more likely he praises Trump for the opportunity to perform (yes, I know Trump didn’t make that decision but he’ll probably take credit anyway)

Kendrick BETTER schmerder dtj with his lyrics. Will he do it? Idk. I don’t think many people realize how dire things are right now. Each day it keeps getting worse. Just because it may not affect you today doesn’t mean it won’t tomorrow or in a month. I know a lot of people are just sitting back and letting shit happen but we can’t be sitting ducks. We seriously need to mobilize or else we will be living in Jim Crow 2.0. Please call or email your state reps and express disapproval of everything this administration is doing. Our lives depend on it.

r/hiphopcirclejerk save us

I would love this

If yall think this is happening I got a bridge to sell yall in Brooklyn lmao

He won’t do shit

Thinking celebrities are going to do ANYTHING is naive, delusional, and pathetic.

Dot, fuck him up

They’d sue his ass so quick.


Like he said in a song,- “Kendrick is not your saviour”

we need that right now

a round of “fuck donald trump” and let the crowd say it back

Dude Trump was elected by more than he was the last time….all that energy we had in 2016 seems to be gone….so I’d suggest K Dot play his songs n GTFO the stage lol.

Why yall settin this man up to be taken down by the FBI, arrested and so forth. IMO he’s only going so he can make the halftime show more “family oriented” in the future. Watch he pass a bill about the halftime show

Sooo what I’m understanding is yall haven’t listened to Savior by Kendrick Lamar. It’s on Mr Morale. You’re welcome!!!

Fuck that. Stop relying on black people to initiate a fight white counterparts couldn’t bother to get involved in. I ain’t going to endorse someone crashing out for a symbolic nothing burger when millions of people scoffed at the opportunity to avoid this catastrophe, or worse, enthusiastically supported it.

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