Karen, my angry neighbor and her welcoming sign

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Something tells me she doesn’t actualy salute the flag . . .

The Christmas thing is so stupid. Iโ€™m a full blown atheist and I sent cards that read Merry Christmas this year. No one is coming for Christmas. Bunch of whiney babies.

TRUE FACT: Most of us veterans STRONGLY dislike people like this.

Most of us don’t like the attention.

Awesome. I hope they practice the part of their religion that focuses on helping those less fortunate and not being judgmental.

This stuff offends no one.ย 

Itโ€™s nice when the crazies put out warning signs for the rest of us.

As a Jew…

I think these people missed the memo. We didn’t *ask* you to not say “Merry Christmas,” to us, and plenty of us’ll say it back to you if it’ll make you happy. Some of *you guys* started saying “Happy Holidays” to be *nice and inclusive*, and that’s super cool and all, but nobody is stopping *you* from talking about *your* holiday.

Manufactured outrage. So tired of this bullshit.

we offending the leftists with this one, theyโ€™re shaking in their boots ๐Ÿ˜Ž /s

Every conversation with her starts or ends with, “How come you never call or visit?”

Old man yells at cloud

None of these things are politically incorrect though.

Just something this person wants to victimize themselves for. I just wonder if someone tells them โ€œHappy Holidaysโ€ do they get offended and correct them by saying โ€œitโ€™s Merry Christmasโ€

There is nothing offensive listed in the sign. It’s the sign that’s offensively stupid and unnecessary.

Civilians donโ€™t salute.

Fucking republican lip service. Iโ€™m a disabled vet and have been trying to get a job in Tennessee for three months. If one more hiring manager thanks me for my service then says they are pursuing more qualified individuals Iโ€™m going shit on their desk. Fine to throw us in the grinder but fuck all if they are going to do anything for you after that.

Does the Amazon delivery driver have to do all of those thing before the package can be dropped?

Why won’t my kids talk to me?

I donโ€™t follow this the way she does and none of it offends me. These people confuse me being offended that they do it with being offended they canโ€™t make me do it.

Why does this look like AI??

IQ definitely below 90

Sheโ€™s the only one offended

When I was a kid people said, โ€œThe US, love it or leave itโ€. I am not a Christian so Christmas is a meaningless holiday. People need to stop pushing Christianity down everyoneโ€™s throats. Not everyone is a Christian so get over it.

Now there’s a hateful snowflake.

The equivalent of putting Trump stickers and flags on your truck.

No one fucking cares about your opinion lady.

I normally would say Merry Christmas but I’d be saying Happy Holidays to this woman every day lol.

Isnโ€™t one nation under god what Islam wants?

I’m pretty far left and the only thing on that sign that offends me is the “one nation under god’ thing.

Christianity isn’t about taking worldly power and Christ never said anything about forming national governments.

Leave? I am never arriving.

If we donโ€™t agree with this person, we are free to leave. If they donโ€™t agree with the things others do, they ban it.

Seems fair.

I was kicked out of Sunday school when I was 6 years old and my parents โ€œaskedโ€ to leave the church because I questioned the veracity of the Noah and the ark story and a ship that was big enough to hold two of every animal, how they got two of every animal, how they fed them for 40 days and 40 nights.

My relationship with the imaginary geriatric dude in the sky hasnโ€™t improved in the 46 years that have passed since then.

Thanks to the troops by saying hollow meaningless things and cutting their benefits.

People always have to be super angry about something. If they don’t have something, they will find something. It’s an outlet for all their other perceived greivances in life.

I was in the military for 18 years. Not once did someone come up and insult me, tell me I’m an awful person, a baby killer, or the like, though I’m sure all the missles we shot off killed somebody. I did have quite a few people thank me for my service. This is not an issue that needs an angry uproar. It probably did in the 70s though, back then the signs said things more like, “Sailors and dogs stay off the grass”.

Ask โ€œWhy did you vote for the guy that is going to cut veteran healthcare funding?โ€

She big mad. Like my cat when we got a kitten.

Time for your own sign, and if it offends her, then she can leave.

In this country we say happy new year ๐Ÿ˜†

My feelings donโ€™t get hurt if they say Merry Christmas, but apparently they get their panties in a bunch if I say anything other than that. Whoโ€™s the real snowflake here?

No one tell her โ€œunder godโ€ wasnโ€™t part of the original pledge of allegiance.

Her sign is incomplete, she left off, ” and here, we do what our orange tub of shit tells us to do”

โ€œYOU MUST BE SO MAD/THAT OFFENDS YOU? GOOD/ARE YOU UPSET YET/etc etc etcโ€ is such a weird personality trait

Thereโ€™s nothing wrong with giving thanks to troops and saying merry Christmas.

The problem is that Karen is an asshole to everyone that thinks different from her.

Karen, I am the troops

Fuck you

Itโ€™s interesting that people think their beliefs alienate people or โ€œoffendโ€ when the concern is about *including* other points of view.

Saluting the flag is creepy.

Also, if you thank a soldier for their service here in Australia they will either laugh at you or tell you to fuck off. We have a professional military, being a soldier is basically seen as a good public service job where you get to be the fist of the commonwealth, but with lots of public holidays, bonus pay, and extra benefits.

oh god i completely forgot to go to war on christmas this year, damn. oh well, there’s always next year. happy holidays. oh damn, look at me, back in the fight.

None of this offends me. Demanding that everyone else do exactly the same because you said so โ€ฆ THAT offends me.

Looks like AI

5th grade education, 2 ex-husbands, pack a day habit, and I bet she drives a Ford or Chevrolet.

The imaginary enemy created by fox News..

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