Keep golfing

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Would look better in a hearse!!!

How is being photographed chauffeured in a motorcade while wearing his golf apparel โ€œworkโ€? I want that job. Someone drive me to my tee time! And then some nutcase says wow Iโ€™m so amazing and never stop working.

The cult never ceases to amaze

To be fair on the golf course is probably the best place he could possibly be for the American peopleโ€™s sake

This guy is a fascist dictator, nothing more, nothing less… he thinks he’s the boss of the store as if he had all the rights

Dr. Dawn, he riding in a car headed to play golf. Taxpayers are paying for yet another golf outing. He could be working but heโ€™s not. Your cult glasses are distorting what you see.

He’s spent less time working than all presidents who didn’t die in office. He’s quite simply the laziest POS to ever sit in the oval office.

There’s never been, and probably never will be, a president that works less or care less about the American people.


13 days golfing out of 48 in office

Working very hard

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“I’ll be so busy as president i won’t have TIME to golf!”

This fucker plays so much golf while he should be holding office that I hope that he’s good at it at least.
On a second though he shouldn’t be holding office, it’s less embarrassing for the us when he’s disregarding his responsibilities than when he “takes care” of them.

Why isnโ€™t he wearing a suit!

Look at all that government efficiency…..

She’s right; isolating the nation, tanking our economy while also robbing the nation is a full-time job…

“Dr.” Dawn has been a conspiracy theorist since a long time on Twitter. She has a PhD in Sexology from a non-accredited college in CA which shuttered in 2018. She used to provide sex advice on Twitter (yes, I saw those), but it was all shitty because how can you provide genuine advice in 140 characters. Plus she was antivax. People (rightfully) relentlessly made fun of her. She was in various memes giving our terrible advice and calling herself doctor even then.

Then came Trump. And now she has 150K followers. And people regularly engage with her content. She believes all conspiracy theories: Russia was a witch-hunt, vax-autism, chemtrails, COVID denialism, Fauci-China links, big fan of Q, etc.

Yeah…. he’s going to work on making the triple bogey into a birdie… and his partners are going to say he’s the greatest golfer ever.

He doesn’t “work” in any traditional sense of the word. He goes golfing while his Project 2025 people draft up executive orders for him to sign and Elmo Musk destroys the government. Then he holds a signing ceremony to sign the executive orders he doesn’t understand. Next, it’s time for a Mar-A-Lardo dinner and party.

Ahh I am a rich person in a car that is being driven by someone else… and isn’t it amazing I can make phone calls at the same time!

Everyone in the world is sooooo astonished!

She is a doctor, a spin doctor of course

He goofs off more than I ever have in my life โ€” cumulatively!

I feel like I’m being gaslighted 4473 hours a day

Born in the dugout and told everyone he hit 3 homeruns.

When Trump golfs he’s working hard for the people. The $1.4 million he charges the taxpayers is Biden’s fault.

Hey now. It could be a $5M per person dinner with the US President event. Let us be fair it could be a bribery instead of golf event.

can you imagine saying that about any politician? what a cult

I worry more about what comes from the office of management and budget, trump is just the distraction.

Tweeting BS all day is not working.

Hey I can go golfing and still love my country

Why is he โ€œfightingโ€ anyway? Why not healing? Or working, or some other positive message? ๐Ÿ™„

People accept his lies, because they are mostly liars themselfs

Fuck Dawn michael

Truast me it’s cheaper for us if he’s at the golf course all day instead of the White House

The amount of lying and denial these folks do is just astounding

“Never stops working for the American people”

You can’t stop if you never start.

Trump golfs a lot for sure.

Yeah she uses the title Doctor but from what I can tell she only has a MA. But anyway sheโ€™s MAGA which is funny by itself. Women who support the GOP are voting against their own self interests. Once Project 2025 is completed, they wonโ€™t be able to work outside the home or hold office.

He golfed more, in one term, than Obama did in two terms. He complained that Obama golfed way too much.

Justify 20 million on golf. I’ll wait.

Why does he look so fucking old in that picture? Because he is so fucking old. Our only hope at this point is a heart attack or stroke.

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