Keep on Dancing

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i keep seeing her with a moustache. i know its her lipstick, but i cant. idk y.

That’s horrible, I hope no guy will experience this.

“Sure, in a bit”.

The bit will take up to closing time.

Had this happen at the dining hall in college. Took my dumb ass a couple minutes to realize her and her friends expected me to leave.

So I started running

this breaks my hart

Bullying bald and short men, sad!

Where’s the fun?

Happened to me.

Girl I liked came up to me and asked if I had a date to an upcoming dance.

I excitedly said No

She runs back a group of girls and drags out the most homely, socially awkward girl in the school. Brings her to me and says she doesn’t either.

So she hurt two people. Still bothers me

This isn’t funny, it’s just sad. I didn’t come here to feel sorry for characters in a comic strip

That’s diabolical

How people be using me xD

Yeah if I got hit with that then I am not moving “I changed my mind about dancing.”

“Only if you lead”

This is pretty much the premise of the 7th grade dance I went to, first and last.

Don’t be that stupid guy

I would have said that “I have changed my mind”

So I’m confused. Where is the funny part?

He immediately bought a gym membership

This isn’t funny at all

How does that even work? One, hella rude, two if its obvious that they’re not actually asking me to dance why would I get up to give them the seat?

I don’t get it

Lots of veeeerrrrry sensitive dudes in this thread 

He got his hopes up and then crushed then he was humiliated 🙁

That wasn’t funny at all. I just saw a happy little man reduced to tears with a shit joke.

Wrong sub

Why’d you make the guy look exactly like me….

Fell for something similar once, but it ended up with me paying for her drink. I didn’t have a seat to lose

This joke is in a movie called white chicks.

Mens’ uttermost fear

That wasn’t going to dance anyways.

It hurts so much

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