Keith Spasford, a 14 year old australian teen wanted to explore the world, so he snuck into a plane wheel well, it opened mid-air and the boy fell out.The photographer was just testing his new lenses and was shocked after developing those images

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It’s almost unbelievable that this is a real photo.. talk about the perfect shot.

What intrigues me is that multiple pictures of disasters throughout history were taken by chance, and we get to see them now.


The wikipedia page on this is just wild

Ive seen this picture throughout so many years and the story changes so much it was even featured on unsolved mysteries at one point. I remember on unsolved mysteries it was told that a man was fleeing bc of a mob was out to get him and he owe a ton of money. Then i heard it some where else that this picture was taken by someone that was hiking and happened to capture it followed an investigation that too a father whos child had been abducted and he had no money to fly to wherever the kid was and he ended up sneaking into the plane couldnt get in and end up clinging onto the plane. Now over 20 years later its a 14 year old Australian . Before this whole time i was told he was american or someone from new york


Keithy done himself a mischief.

Was he ok? Don’t leave us hanging.


Darwin award

It’s horrifying to think a 14-year-old felt he had to resort to this just to chase a dream.

14 years old is old enough to know the consequences of this. That’s very odd.

What a Spas

🎶its raining men🎶

I regret nothiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnggggg

Was he stupid?

that’s tragic 😢


Natural selection


Chat, that’s just Yuta. I think he’s fine.

how high was he? when he fell, not when he climbed in

Was he ok?

Better than freezing I guess.

did he survive?

Legend has it he’s now traveling the world in Spectator Mode.

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