Kendrick Lamar’s “Not Like Us” has re entered the Top 20 of US Apple Music.

By Jowkm
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The Drake lawsuit stimulus 😂

N!gga is marketing Kendrick for free. At this rate, Drake will sue himself

Good job Drake

This move by Drake gonna push NLU over 1B by the end of the month

I would like to say I contributed to this. This song is playing back to back in my house all day and night

Drake got no excuse for the Apple Music streams. lol


Bro could’ve just left it alone

Bro ive seen college kids in europe two step to NLU and throw up pretend gang signs.

Weve seen videos of indians remixing NLU for weddings.

Weve seen african school bands play NLU.

Weve seen college marching bands play NLU.

Weve seen sports like like the NBA play NLU on their programming.

And yet Drake has the audacity to throw out such a bs pre action? Lmao

This shit does hit a little harder after GNX and the lawsuit lmao

btw just caught “Might write this for the docket” in there as if Kendrick knew it was finna be played in court.

In all time backfires..

This is the biggest backfire of all time.

Congrats, Drake.

Ah shit, the K-Bots are back in full force, right guys?

Anyways, time to bump Not Like Us again for the 5th time today.


This will never get old
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We can’t be stopped


I saw a post on twitter saying it was a genius move by Drake to sue UMG for the kdot drop. Supposedly because it takes the attention away from Kendrick. Lmaoooo 😂

Drake inadvertently giving Kenny more streams and plays

Kenny was right when he said “OVO is working for me”

Lets take it to number 13 lmao

The Streisand Effect about to be the Drake Effect

Barbara, you are officially off the hook. We’re now calling it the Drake Effect.



Drake doesn’t even realize he’s promoting Dot rn 🤣🤣🤣

‪I have problem with all this stuff, can someone explain me‬

‪As far as I remember, not like us made numbers more on Apple Music, as it was top-1 there for a much longer time, than on Spotify‬

‪If on all other platforms numbers were significantly lower, this drake sue case could make sense, but‬

That’s a bold strategy.



Drake – Sometimes you gotta pop out and sue niggas.

Those pesky stream bots are at it again!!!1


Streisand Effect

MUSTAAAAAAARD…on the beat hoe

Listening to this song on repeat again. Thanks drake 💁🏾‍♀️

You know how when you’re doing something competitively, mess up, and it kinda shakes your confidence?

You know how that disruption might actually cause you to play worse, leading to an unfortunate loss?


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