Kendrick out here making a masterpiece

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Kinda sad that even in the rap community, the show is being called mid but f em. I enjoyed it

Looking forward to Trump’s calm and measured response /s

That “the revolution will be televised, it’s the right time but you chose the wrong guy” went over people’s heads

# Say, Trump.


Guarantee the idiot-in-chief doesn’t understand

It was a great show. Call me pea brained but I would’ve been happy if it was even more overt and disrespectful to the president.

The Super Bowl is far too nationalistic. Take em down a peg.

Every right-wing pundit is complaining about the performance. It went right over their head that Samual L Jackson was imitating them.

It’s called sticking it to the man.


The look on his and Ivanka’s face… says it all.

Great performance. I feel like the sound engineer could have made his mike louder.

I love the way his pants fit him

I never once saw the president on the tv and I started watching at 5:25 CST, so basically start to finish. Not once did trump ever appear on the tv and I completely forgot he was even there until I watched a few recap videos when I went to bed. I was more surprised by the lack of Swift being shown…

I felt like the performance was beneath him as an artist, can’t lie.

45 was in the audience and the mic is in your hand with the whole world watching. That was an unmatched, once-in-history type of opportunity to do something unforgettable and he let it pass. Whether out of fear or out of contract stipulations who knows but I look at it not for what it was but what it could have been given who he is.

Even “Alright” would’ve been tremendous to hear, but he has *so* many tracks with themes resonant to the current moment.

Love to see the orange turd angry.

Always looks fucking constipated.

That’s a whole lot of UGLY right there.🤮

As a Chiefs fan, it was single best part of the game.

Seen Kendrick several times live since 2011 and that looked to be one of his weaker live performances in my opinion.


because i can tell you that unless you’re already a fan, no one could understand a word the guy was rapping. the people who we need to be protesting certainly didn’t understand a word of it.

Trump is way too stupid to understand all that without somebody explaining it to him.

I’m a 50 yr old conservative
and I thought it was the best Half-time show I’ve ever seen.

Trump’s face is so orange that it blends in with the paint and I just see 2 piggy eyes floating under his hair.

Is this activism? I get the symbolism. I get the tone. But…what change is this meant to affect?

Like, Drake is done. That guy is fucked for the foreseeable future, or at least until he puts out a song that people like – this industry has short memory.

With respect to our current political predicament, who is being mobilized by this? Towards what goal? In what timeframe?

I live a bit north of LA but I felt so much local pride in his performance, like he was one of ours. I fiercely love my adopted town and the diversity of the people in it.

how so? can someone explain plz?

I was disappointed because I thought “left shark” was going to make an appearance. I also thought T Swift was going to be performing Bad Blood with Kendrick. /s

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