Kid Rock at the White House not wearing a suit. Friend of the President.

By Hial_SW
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Alright, but who is the guy sporting drapes as a mustache

Also the party that always claims celebrities shouldn’t talk about politics.

Stupid motherfuckers, all of them

Yes, but they’re coke buddies.

I thought it was Guido Sarducci.


Soon to be artist-in-residence at the Kennedy Center…

Kid Rock. At the White House. The world has gone berserk.


Skunk Baxter looks snappy in a suit and tie…

Everyday Kid Rock looks more and more like Dr Phil


LOL! For a minute I thought it was Father Guido Sarducci. I guess that shows how old I am.

Skunk Baxter is a trumper? Disappointing.

Has Musk ever worn a suit at the white house?

Where is that grifting pig Lee Greenwood?

Ah yes, Old Washed Up Rapper.

Just a coupl’a assholes, hanging out.

Kid Rock is what you get when the Blue Fairy comes down to Earth and grants cocaine’s wish to become a real boy.

This loser lost Brandi to Joe Dirt.

The whole suit deal is bizarre. Trump doesn’t even know how to be polite. He doesn’t have manners. I’m not even saying that to be insulting, it’s really true. He doesn’t know how to act around normal people, he doesn’t know how to act around royalty, he doesn’t know how to act in any situation. His whole persona is just to be as loud, garish, and obviously attention seeking as he possibly can. The idea that Zelenskyy doesn’t dress to some imagined standard, yet Trump acts like a fool every fucking minute is just insane.

Donald Trump is an absolute POS russian asset

Kid Rock looks like the exorcist from Casper the ghost 👻![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)

Musk like lives in the white house with no suit. But that’s not a problem.

Just tax dollars so he can golf with orange man.

Anyone remember Kelley Ann Conway with her dirty shoes on the couch in the White House? Respect is not something the current administration can claim in the least.

Kid rock asked for missiles and got em

Kid rock has no career.

But is Kid Rock a musician or the leader of a nation?

🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮Muskie never wears one so what.

Kid Rock is 🗑

Remember the time cocaine was found in the Biden White House? Remember how outraged Republicans were?

Now we have coked out, washed up, former musicians giving speeches in their cocaine glasses while the vice president smiles stupidly.

Missing from this photo is the actual president, who must be snorting ketamine in the bathroom.

Anybody complaining about Zelensky’s clothes can fuck right off. It’s not an important topic when we’re discussing war. 

But look how disgusted Trump is about it…

I’m sure Boebert gave it a bath before letting it out of the house.

No respect. But none was due

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