Kids Aren’t Targets

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Imagine how JD will feel when his daughter is old enough to realize what a POS her father is!

Is there any footage available? I highly doubt that the protestors were targeting his kids. Vance has security details.

EDIT: Reading the tweet again then I realize probably it was a bait. Very clever, Vance, but also very characteristic of you … scheming and conniving

Fuck this guy, who decided the be the VP for the most devisive president in history *after multiple assassination attempts*, knowing he had a 3-year-old at home he was putting a target on. His ambition is more important to him than that kid, fuck him and his moral outrage.

Vance walks around with a security detail at all times. So, I’ll take “Things that never happened for a $1000, Alex”.

Did he not discuss the consequences of becoming a public figure? Or becoming an incredibly loathed public figure with his family? But in all seriousness, it’s doubtful he was a likable person before he became a public servant, so his kids should be used to it.

Imagine how the Ukrainian children feel as bombs fall on their homes?

Hiding behind his kids, learned a trick from the Muskrat.

No, he doesn’t know how they would feel, because this never happened. The Secret Service would never let protesters near him, let alone follow him around.

He made this all up.

The fattest pussy in politics. Be the villain suffer the consequences bitch

What about when MTG went after the Overland Park kids? What about those kids?

Maybe stop using your 3 year old as a shield, you POS.

If Vance wanted reasonable treatment, he shouldn’t be second-fiddle to a President that promotes hatred and division. Mussolini-wannabe, you don’t get respect

You lying piece of shit ….. u except us to believe u ( see coward ) approached protesters and had a respectful conversation ??? U couldn’t even show respect to a visiting President!
This is why they should change the rule about the president and vp being on the same plane , give us all some fucking hope .
Two idiots , one stone

assuming this really happened, of course

Yeesh. Using his daughter like a shield is pathetic.

Those kids haven’t even said thank you

lmfaooo JD your empire is taking the future away from plenty of kids lives already. could give one shit about your child having to look at reality for a second

Got video JD?

I assure you, the girl is not the target.

It’s bad enough that her dad is…J.D. Vance. She doesn’t need anything else to try to overcome!

That’s the problem with MAGA. They think politics is left at the office when the lights turn off.

One of my coworkers is from Ukraine. Recently, she asked me what “9/11” meant to me. I gave a brief account of what happened. When I was done telling her, she proceeded to tell me that “Every day is “9/11” in Ukraine.

I had not considered that. Things got real quiet for a while.

JD Vance is intellectually incapable of having an intelligent conversation.

Also, why was he walking a toddler through a group of protesters? When you are vice president and an obvious Russian asset the only reason for that is to use them as a human shield.

Imagine getting a career in politics, and then taking shit personally when your constituents try getting their message across to you. That would be like a doctor who gets annoyed at patients for having the flu next to them… if you don’t like being the target of protests, stay out of one of the most controversial roles you can find in politics.

Doesn’t Vance own a company that finds real estate for Russian businesses in the US?

Seems like he is peddling a lie. He is VP, he must have SS protecting him. I doubt any protester came so close to him.

But knowing how SOFT he is, I imagine the protestor is probably half a mile away and just looked at him and this cunt probably shiiit his diapers.

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