Kind of wild recruiters would just be chilling right outside the lunchroom in high school

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They almost had me.
The more I see the ever-increasingly toxic leadership in the military today, the more grateful I become for not trusting recruiters, and getting roped into that shithole. It’s driven so many good servicemen away.
All due respect to those who served, better you than me.

Shit they hit up the juniors around here

Please OP, do you have the base image with no text?

i’ll be an unemployed bum. fuck those recruiters

I know, hate me. I spent 3 years in Germany fuckings fraus and drinking beer. The military wasn’t so bad.

Join for a 4 year enlistment and those poor poor children are able to get free college during their enlistment, traing in a craft, start a 401k as a teen, free medical and dental, free place to live with utilities included, most holidays off, free travel, paid relocation, 1 month of paid vacation a year, and are paid to attend school once they finish their enlistment.

You get what you want from the military.

The worst kind of evil. This should be illegal.

Is that really much worse than convincing all the kids that the only way they’ll be successful is if they take out massive crippling loans to go to college?

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