Kinda wonder if it’s too late to edit the model

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Squish his nose flatter and make his head slightly more round. That’s the difference between the pictures.

Another unrealistic beauty standard for ogres

The eyes were too close together and it makes new Shrek look cartoony. I did not see it until this post. Thanks! I just couldn’t figure out why it looked strange.

Honestly the top one is better with the eye edit.

This is no where near as bad as sonic was, people are buggin

Redditors try not to pull out their own hair because of the most minute details challenge [impossible]

Side by side like this, I see even less problem

Why are people complaining about the design, when the actual content is the real problem

Ok I can actually see the differences on this one. His head is less egg shaped, he has a little more space between the eyebrows, and idk what to call it but his eyes are “better” shaped. I would prefer the top one, but as long as it still feels like shrek I’ll be happy.

I actually see it now but I still think it’s stupid to care.

Seeing the difference in the images should be the new test for autism.

There’s barely a difference

Bro they’re the same

Shrek looking older is why people are in an uproar about the new Shrek? Holy shit you people need help, your life must be miserable lmao

It’s really just the eyes that throw me off

Im not even sure what the problem is. He looks like a mix of the shrek we know and the concept for shrek that Chris Farley was gonna play. Seems to me the change in design is more like an homage than a direct redesign.

He looks like Danny Devito now somehow

It’s never too late to add more layers of humor!

I can’t find the difference. Maybe my eyes are fucked up, but I can’t

They made his head shaped like an egg?

Honestly that does make it feel a little less uncanny.

They made him look so soy for no reason whatsoever

People freak out over the dumbest and most trivial of things.

Literally no difference

I guess Gen Z has Shrek experience in lieu of job experience, that’s the only reasonable explanation for why I keep seeing this.

If Paramount can fix Sonics shitty design I’m pretty sure Dreamworks (if they care enough) can fix Shrek’s face

It’s time to bully the studio to change the animation like we did with Sonic.

New comic artists change the design on a character every time a new run begins, nobody bats an eye.

Change the design of a cartoon character in a movie series by even the smallest amount, and everyone loses their minds!

They can keep the crows feet, I just want his general face proportions to look like Shrek, not some other ogre from the same universe.

That’s perfect
Just the distance between eyes and he’s fixed

To be honest, the designs don’t look bad at all, they’re just a little more modernised and besides nothing wrong with Shrek looking like he’s had a bit of botox since he’s getting on in life!

Why redesign something that wasn’t bad the first time?

agreed, i aint going unless they change him to looking good again.

Also the mark between mouth and nose

Honestly I think people have been overreacting to the whole animation style. I think it looks fine. People forget how old the original movies are.

y’all are adults with nothing better to do than freak out over the new shrek design? It just doesn’t matter

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