Korean researchers developed a new technology to treat cancer cells by reverting them to normal cells without killing them

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That’s insane. We are really becoming biomancers

One step closer to beat the battle.

Just skimmed the research article. The concept is neat, but that is really really early work using computers algorithms to determine which regulators to knock down in tumor. When they knocked down some of these regulators in tumor cells, they saw decreasd growth and changes in structure. However, a safe therapeutic would have to be developed for each of the numerous regulators and given all to the patient. That is a super duper complicated undertaking as therapeutic to these master regulators can be extremely dangerous as these regulators are in most, if not all, cells in the body. I am not shitting on this research at all since we need all the basic research we can get, I am just saying that translation of this to patients is more complicated than the news lets on.

Fuck cancer!!!


“Have you tried *not* being a cancer cell?”

“Holy shit, I’m cured.”

some sources: [KAIST NEWS CENTER](https://news.kaist.ac.kr/newsen/html/news/?mode=V&mng_no=42710) / [Korean researchers find cancer undo button, turn tumor cells to normal ones](https://www.yahoo.com/news/korean-researchers-cancer-undo-button-125658079.html) / [Control of Cellular Differentiation Trajectories for Cancer Reversion – Gong – Advanced Science – Wiley Online Library](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/advs.202402132)

Never thought, I gonna see cancer cured in my timeline.

I will get excited if it actually has a successful clinical trial.

A LOT of stuff works on paper, but not in testing.

How legitimate is the claim? I mean they don’t have a history of being honest.

I am legend incoming

I lost my cat to cancer I miss my boyšŸ„²

Both parents and my fucking soul golden retriever all lost to cancer please let this become something, no one needs to go through a battle with cancer

Only available to the victor of the squid game

ā€œKorean research falls down 32 flights of stairs.ā€

This picture does exactly 0 at helping me understand.

50 million dollars a pill

wow thats crazy. but how they re will apply this treatment to every cancer cell?

reverse the tech and become Deadpool?

I eagerly await both the results of reproducing these protocols in other labs and the experiments demonstrating the applicability of this technique in vivo.

I don’t think I could trust a cell that went cancer and then switched back.šŸ˜’when is it switching again?

Hope they weren’t on the plane that crashed today in south Korea

I’m holding off my excitement until another non-Korean lab replicates this. Their track record of being honest has been… less than stellar

These guys appear to know their stuff.

(I don’t understand 99.9% of their paper but there is a shit-ton of complex graphs which look very impressive to me)

Humane approach

American government- but thatā€™s illegal. We need money. *throws pills*

south korean or north korean? seems like important at the moment….

can this be used right now if someone is going through colon cancer chemo?

Thought Russia already cured cancer, twice..

the fucking “diagram” lol

Wishing this was a thing for my mother in law who passed this year. She was a victim of malpractice, and cancer. šŸ˜ž

It sounds like a Gattaca movie šŸ˜œ


This is incredible! I can’t wait to mysteriously never hear about this ever again!

This sounds eerily similar to reversing aging

Cells are just Visio diagrams?

I am cancer cell


OK then.

Ahhh , who is hungry ?

Where the fuck did this image come from? It’s not from the paper somebody posted below. Is it from some news outlet? The paper is a legit niblet of research, minor but hopefully useful. They don’t make any ridiculous claim of “cancer reversion therapy” in the paper. (I work in a lab and run the instrument shown in figure A. I am not up on my computer modeling. I am not critiquing the paper, just the insipid image in the OP post.)(Also, I lost a family member to colon cancer. Get yourselves checked.)

Edit. I found the source. It’s either a bad translation or a BS website: [https://www.koreabiomed.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=26116](https://www.koreabiomed.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=26116)

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