Ladies please….

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Don’t forget the tiny butterfly or the moon phases. 😂

It’s not the tattoos that bug me, but those septum piercings are kinda gross ngl

I appreciate a good rose tat. It’s a classic.

Anybody else think tattoos are becoming sort of outdated? They’re like jynco jeans and chain wallets🤣

And today, on “Shit that people do that has absolutely no bearing on my life but I will judge them because I’m a very sad person”…

Guarantee all the men in here complaining are in no position to be making demands. (Or they’re 15)

I heard women don’t like chinless fucks with a wispy mustache. What are you guys gonna do?

In 33 all tattoos just disappear in one second

Sexy, the tattoo, not the pig

I have a theory about people who get tattoos. Unless you are getting something sentimental like say the date of a child’s birth or maybe you were in the military and your platoon all got something meaningful that forever bonds you, then I feel people who just get tattoo to get a tattoo have poor judgement and are impulsive, which means they usually don’t manage their life well due to the inability to think ahead.

It’s an instant turn off for me. They just look ugly and dirty.


So it magically disappears at 33?

I’m 30. Can’t relate lol.

How about we let people enjoy things

It’s her body and she’s expressing herself in her body art. But like with all art I might not like it. Others may like it.

Boy does the shape of her face scream single mom who works at the school

It’s kind of like arm tribal tattoos on dudes 25 years ago. Oh well. Trends come and go.

There’s a lot of triggered people in the comments lmao

Silver snoter.

*american woman

Those honkas gonna be down at her knees in the next 10 years.

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