Lan party from 2002

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Can imagine the heat of all these PC and their CRT monitor

A sea of CRT monitors.


I remember the day when we don’t shower for days

This image circulates from time to time on reddit, for the curious it’s the Campus Party held in Valencia, Spain.

Source: I was there

edit: as many people ask, yes, it smelled bad, but not as bad as it might seem, there were showers provided by the organization and people used to use them. The worst thing was the heat.

Imagine the smell…

Holy shit, a girl??

Jeesus christ what kind of Lan Party was this?

Nostalgia aside, this was probably a fuckin nightmare logistically lol

Shit that’s a LAN Convention

There was probably on terabyte in this room combined.

Why are at least a handful of them naked?

I’m from Mesquite, TX… where id software was located. I grew up down the street from their office building, always driving by seeing their Ferrari’s and stuff. They always did QuakeCon at the local Hilton in Mesquite right by the Mesquite Rodeo and I was a few streets over from it. I would load my huge Antec case and big NEC 17″ CRT in my Mom’s car and she’d drop me off for days, coming by every now and then to check on me.

Those were fun times, me and my teenage friends. Got to hang out with Carmack and Willits a lot too, and we always saw them around town. The file sharing was the best… swapping music, videos, programs, games, etc.

I miss lan parties

Where are fat nerdy guys?

How do you cater for this much additional power draw? Most of those are CRTs, as far as the eye can see. You can’t just hook up a load of power bars

I went to something similar to this called EverLAN in Colorado in around 2005. We had WoW leveling competitions and Counterstrike tournaments. My computer failed on the first day there of a three day event and I spent almost a day and a half trying to restore my computer. I slept very little and drank way too much Mt.Dew and Bawls energy drinks.

It was a ton of fun though.

Oh man I miss those days, although lugging my bulky 24″ Sony Trinitron CRT around was a risky pain in the ass LOL.

Did not expect to find 4 girls

We made so many advancements and gaming together today is easier than ever, however I do miss LAN parties, the social element and something about “suffering” together (look at the heat lol) gave a sense of comrodary that won’t be replicated

When air flow wasn’t a pcmr thing

Man I remember being able to smell the CRT screens and even be able to taste it from a short distance. I bet this smelled awful especially with the ass sweat of a thousand people.

No fat individuals, time changes.

I’m 42 and I had never heard of these LAN parties until seeing reddit nostalgia posts about them. Were they very common? Where did they take place? What was the point of them?

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If anyone is curious, this is a recent photo from Fragapalooza, a LAN party that’s been held in/around Edmonton, AB since the 2000’s and is still going strong. It’s interesting to see how much more gear people bring, like triple monitors or an entire streaming rig (bottom right). There’s way less people in the photo but I’d question if they’re drawing more power?

I smell this picture

i can barely imagine the heat in the room, no wonder why most people removed their shirts

What they playing? Tetris?


Brings back some damn fine memories!

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