Las Vegas developers ran out of street names – so they used Pokémon instead

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They didn’t run out of names. They intentionally put those names in with a theme in mind.

„Ran out of street names.“


Squirtle Lane is a little bit over the top…but it is Las Vegas.

Stupid ass bot. Ran out of names. Come on.

I just imagine a police chase with the cop calling out the street names like, “we’re taking a left on jigglypuff, now a right on squirtle”, all while the dispatcher is relaying the same lines to other officers.

How long until Nintendo sues them?

Subdivision is probably named Kanto.



Good luck getting down Snorlax Lane. Lazy bastard always sleeping in the road.

There’s a strip club on Squirtle Ln…would highly recommend

I’ve lived in quite a few themed street neighborhoods like this here in Vegas. Gambling names, astrological names, and now, bird names.

In Zaragoza, Spain, you can find Super Mario Bros Avenue, look It Up on gmaps and find a few good surprises around like “Gran Turismo Street” or “Final Fantasy Street”

Also, not videogame relatesd, but in Leganés, Spain, you can find the AC/DC Street among other famous singers streets

Just outside of Minneapolis there is a development in a suburb that is all LoTR names. There is like Shire Lane, Mordor, etc. kind of cool.

How the fuck do you run out of names?

The person who wrote “ran out of street names” ran out of journalist ideas on why the names were selected

How do you “run out of names”? Especially when you can just reuse names lol

Henderson, not Vegas.

Remember the summer of 2016, when it was impossible to leave your home without seeing Pokémon Go players attempting to catch them all? Well, it’s time to give the app a re-download; you’re sure to encounter Pokémon as you stroll down whimsically-titled streets such as Squirtle Lane and Jigglypuff Place at a new development in Nevada.

Henderson, Nevada, a suburb 20 minutes outside Las Vegas, is now home to five streets honoring adorable Generation I Pokémon characters, including Squirtle, Jigglypuff, Charmander, Charizard, and Snorlax. The rename idea came from Andrea Miller, a home builder in Clark County that has previously named streets after the children’s series Paw Patrol and is planning to do the same with the hit television show Yellowstone. After spitballing names for the streets for Harmony Homes’s new townhouse development, Serenity Place, Miller’s eldest son gave her the idea to use characters from the beloved Nintendo game.

The area is currently under construction, but multiple people have already started flocking to the street signs to roam around Charmander Lane and get prime photo ops. Can you spot them all?

Would be cool if there was 151 streets in that development

Here’s the problem… those people living there will have issues because those street signs will never be up. They will be repeatedly stolen.

Watford is my favorite pokemon


There is a new development near me where every street is named after a Game of Thrones family (Lannister Way, Baratheon Ct etc.)

All the legal whore houses are on Squirtle Lane

How were there two different streets intersecting with Jigglypuff place?

No source for title statement and absolutely untrue also.

[Pokémon: Las Vegas street names inspired by game](

OP is a liar and is most likely trying to farm engagement with misinformation.

Somewhere a Nintendo lawyer is getting a litigation boner

imagine living on jigglypuff

You can’t really run out of street names ..

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