Late night hosts assemble

By mcfw31
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I hear John Oliver took the last piece of cheesecake and all of the Emmys.

They’re all relieved Corden went back to England.

This is strike force five.

The five late night hosts got together to do a series of podcasts in 2023 during the writers strike to help pay their crews during the strike.

If you havenโ€™t listened itโ€™s really funny and I highly recommend it.

Iโ€™m guessing this photo is one from after the strike ended and they met up in person. They definitely did meet up for Colbertโ€™s birthday in 2024. Not sure if this photo is specially from that gathering.


Jon Stewart should be there but I guess this wasnโ€™t on a Monday?

I get it that a lot of people may not like some or most of these guys for various reasons. I do think everyone should listen to their limited run podcast called Strike Force Five. Give it at least 3 episodes as the first two are little slow. You get to hear all five of them without scripts, trying to run their own mini show without writers or minimal productive value. By the end of it I had the same feeling I had with Conan’s podcast. Something about the “Late Night” show setup really leashes these guys from being themselves. It was kind of interesting to see them interact with each other and talk about their home lives and it was in the end one the funniest things they have ever made on accident.

Whereโ€™s Taylor?

I could take or leave most of these guys, but does anyone actually *like* Jimmy Fallon?

But- who… hosted?

1 3 2 4 9

This picture isn’t complete without the GOAT: Conan O’Brien.

What? No Conan?

I guess John Stewart took the photo

Coanan the goat

Cool pic though ๐Ÿ˜€

All they need is the Head (John Stewart) and they can form like Voltron.

I just saw them all together at our Speedway the other night. lol

We could leave Fallon out.

Part of my hopes Colbert invited Tomlinson, but I know she travels and works like a fiend


CraigyFerg > all of them

Whereโ€™s Gutfield?


Diverse looking group.

*fake jimmy Fallon laugh*

It’s not that I don’t believe you but for some strange reason, my brain is telling me that this is photoshopped.

Nothing without Conan and Letterman, should have been Strike Force 7

Big ol circle jerk going on

Graham Norton is still the best

Thatโ€™s a funny table

Conan is taking the picture?

Conan would love to outsmart all of them in one sitting

Imagine trying to get a word in at that table.

I see 5 sell outs

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