Laura Ingraham giving Trump the Nazi salute and Trump reciprocating her at the 2016 RNC [D Kennerly]

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Member when Howard Dean yelled funny and it ended his campaign?

I never tire of reminding people that as a student, Laura Ingraham along with Dinesh D’Souza decided that it would be great fun to “out” gay students at their college in an attempt to get their parents to cut them off financially.

This is that BS sanewashing the media did. I remember when she did that but only she was mentioned. They didn’t include the fact he returned it. A rather huge intentional omission.

Yeah, but did he have a tan suit on at the time?

Which season of ‘the man in the high castle’ is this from?

Why is this picture in black and white? Is it because it’s historical, like from way back in 2016?

ANDDDDDD…..we STILL voted him in….well not *we* ..but other people did

This is America

It was definitely intentional, and I think there was a layered intention to it. 

1.) To give observant people something to point out, calling her a nazi, allowing her and her colleagues to scoff and call Dems “Hysterical” 

 2.) To appeal to nazis and those on the far-right 

 3.) To reinforce loyalty among her base, and normalize certain behavior, laying groundwork for whatever else she wants to do 

 She probably doesn’t describe or see herself as a nazi, but she’s knew exactly what she was doing. 

She absolutely should be called out… unfortunately, I think they also plays right into her hands. 

Is this not exactly what 60 million Americans voted for?

Three times.

This age well


This is one for the history books.

Can’t win a public fight when the people don’t own or control the media.

This should’ve been played on repeat, with zero nuance, showing the nation and the world we have Nazis in 2024 openly running. Instead the networks turned it into content and profit and it lost its legitimacy.

Now we have a democratically elected fascist regime.

Check out the meidas touch interviews with Ingraham’s brother. He talks about their father being an abusive Nazi sympathizer and how his sister followed in his footsteps

jfc, it’s a fucking wave. I don’t like the guy either but this bullshit is part of what’s pushing people away from the Dems.


Frau Goebbels.

This is what I don’t understand about all this. Trump supposedly stands for “true Americans.” He is supposed to be “making America great again.” Didn’t the Americans fight against the Nazis? Weren’t they the enemy? Why do some Americans support this?

Pedophiles & nazi’s run America.

What a despicable excuse for a human being

And there have been photos of [swastika flags alongside their campaign flags]( held at rallies, and nobody seemed to have a single issue with it. They even use Nazi rhetoric on the campaign trail.

“The enemy within” would like to use your/our location. That is just about a direct translation from the speech used in Nazi Germany by their glorious leader as they used the division in their own population to seize power for themselves. It’s all right there.

This sub is dogshit now. Thought this was an international sub about pictures. What a sad echo chamber this has become.

She’s truly a POS

Disgusting AF!

its just the angle, right? right?


would have made a nice TV add picture is worth a 1000 words

In Australia, the  Nazi salute and other Nazi symbols is banned in every state. Depending on the jurisdiction, penalties range few years in jail and $20+K in fines. 

What is wrong with her?

What happened to this sub? I’m not an Ingraham fan at all, but in the video she’s waving and pointing at the crowd.

Have you considered that it’s possible that a few frames of this video happen to be coincidentally similar to one of the most infamous hand gestures in history?

No, it’s not a nazi salute, she’s just saying hi!


So what nazi shit happened in the subsequent 4 years? Really curious now.

Do we have video on this? Simply having your arm in the air is not a nazi salute.

Thats why Trump won guys. Stop lying

I think this is a stretch.

Jesus Christ, give it a rest dude. This shits so annoying

this kind of stupidity is why Democrats lost everything in 2024. seems like at least a few of you would have figured that out by now.

Im not from the US so im a bit lost: is Trump really the nazi people here make it out to be? If thats not the case why would people try to this?

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