Laura Winter’s Instagram story in Response to Helmut Marko saying Isack Hadjar crying after his spin was “a bit embarassing.” – There is absolutely no place for this attitude in sport. A young man expressing emotion, especially in the heat of the moment, is never embarrassing.

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I remember Vettel crying his eyes out after running up the back of Weber when he was still a toro Rosso driver, went on to win multiple championships. Just because a driver can be overwhelmed by emotion doesn’t mean they don’t have what it takes.

I’m a big fan of Laura, she was on a podcast recently and I got the feeling she has gone through hell to get to the position she’s in.

Glad she spoke up.

The kids entire life has been building to this moment to get to this grid and be an F1 racer and he bins it on the way to the grid on race one. He’s got to be completely devastated. Feel horrible for him. Marko has no soul.

In a race where there was 6 DNF, including Sainz and Alonso. Sure, it was during formation but that same turn took another driver and veterans were spinning out on normal turns too. It sucks but it was a crazy track day all around.

Bravo, Laura. 👏

If more people spoke up against his ignorant takes, maybe he’d finally find his way to retirement…

Crying is a natural human emotion.

Men are no exception. It’ll be a good day when Marko is gone from the sport.

The FÍA caring more about swearing than these type of terrible attitudes is everything wrong with this sport.

The only solace I take from it is that Lewis’ father was so empathetic. Lewis is his idol, that probably meant the world to him.

I genuinely don’t know who is a bigger piece of shit between Marko and Horner

What was embarrassing was how Hadjar had a camera in his face for the entire walk of shame back to the paddock. Like I get seeing his initial reaction and maybe a clip of him back in the paddock, but not a camera in his face the entire time.

We’re all humans and that was clearly the lowest moment for him. At least give him some space.

Fuck Marko

He’s an embarrassment to our sport

The only embarrassment i saw was Helmut’s shitty behavior. Full credit to Anthony Hamilton for stepping up and showing everyone how an actual adult behaves. Nearly half of these drivers are only a few years out of their teens and a little bit of empathy doesn’t cost anything.

I really appreciate Laura taking a stance on this ❤️

Be more like Laura it’s honestly crazy how it’s supposedly embarrassing to cry i cry, you cry, we all cry, just because helmut said it’s embarrassing doesn’t mean its true

“Men shouldn’t cry and are not real men for doing so” is such a horrific mentality which I’m sure has contributed to more men taking themselves out of this world.

In a world filled with of Helmut Markos and Jos Verstappens, be Anthony Hamilton.

Hell yes Laura.

We all know Marko wakes up every day to the sound of Macho Man

Helmut… suck my balls, mate.

I’m so tired of having to hear the shit this old man blurts out.

All my homies hate Marko

I’m a 6’1 and 260lbs with a stereotypical manly man appearance, with a 20+ year career working in bars. If I spun out on the formation lap of my first F1 race I would be bawling my eyes out

Based Laura Winter.

Men are allowed to cry.

We all know who’s embarrassing themselves and it isnt Hadjar.

Doesn’t everyone find Marco a bit embarrassing.

Honestly, not that surprising of a man from his generation.

I don’t agree with it, but not surprised in the slightest

Marko is a real piece of shit huh?

So we want the drivers to show emotion and act like real humans but when they do it’s embarrassing… Wake up Helmut

Red Bull seems like such a toxic environment, no wonder Newey got the fuck out of there.

Toxic masculinity in a nutshell.

If anything we need MORE people who let this out. It shows other young men it’s okay to feel emotion. Maybe if young men had more role models who showed that we’d see suicide numbers come down, we’d see drug abuse numbers come down, and the world would get a little better.

Another day, another proof that Helmut is a POS.

Boomer moment for Helmut

Uncomfortable to watch? Of course. Embarrassing? Fuck Marko

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