Lauren Boebert is so dumb.

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She had an abortion at the Grand Junction planned Parenthood.

People like Lauren either don’t know or don’t say that they know that Planned Parenthood offers more STI tests, cancer screenings, pregnancy services, and education each than abortion and that federal funds don’t go toward abortions per the Hyde Amendment.

Legitimately stupid.

Donโ€™t forget this is also the bitch that dropped out of high school when she had a baby

She is loathsome.

She only wants unplanned parenthood

Why is she tweeting about something she did that would make things worse for people.

Unashamed hypocrisy is a luxury of the wealthy and powerful.

A poor 17 and 15-year old would be trapped in a cycle pf poverty, but in a rich family, both would still go to a university and get a job at daddy’s company.

The only people dumber are those who voted for her.

She doesnโ€™t want her to kid to feel bad, so sheโ€™s trying to make everyone teen parents.

Whatโ€™s with all these blow-up dolls in conservative government lately?

Her husband the one who exposed himself at a movie right?

I’d like to know her plan to provide health services to women that rely on PP because they don’t have insurance. They found pre cancerous dysplasia for me twice by the time I was 21. I’d be dead without PP.

You people that live in her district – what the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you keep voting for this imbecile? Voting for her isn’t gna make her suck your dick.

i dont understand why all these maga christian republicans cant live by any of their own values

lauren boebert got to high places being seedy but she is the one dictating whats ok and not for women to do

rules for thee but not for me should be their motto

She is, but this isn’t a murder?

Didnโ€™t one of her kids go to prison for drugs/theft or something like that? Or am I thinking of someone else?

Someone wants to be a grandma pretty badlyโ€ฆ

Hold on so she has been a Congo representative since 2021 and she has only put forward her first Bill at the end of this year?

and many, many Coloradans love her and elect her. Crazy

Lauren Boebert is the definition of uneducated white trash that got into politics most likely by sucking dicks. Why on gods earth are people voting for people like her? Are they as stupid as her? Is blunt populism the god mode cheat code for “christian” conservatives?

she’s dumb AND she’s gross.

Bobo Handy was doing her part during the BeatleJuice play with young children in front and behind her. โ€œDo you know who I am?โ€

Didn’t she almost drown in three inches of water?

It’s so obvious what the fascists are up to. They want to stop immigration because they are insecure racist tinydicked people. But without immigration they won’t have cheap labor to pick their cotton.

So that’s the reason these fascists are “Pro-life”. They need more slaves for the fields…

Now if we could just get a congress person to sponsor a bill, where incompetent, airheaded, ignorant buffoons were not allowed to sponsor legislation, we would finally no longer have to pay any attention to Boebert, Taylor-Green or Comey. That should change the political climate of the entire nation. And those names are not where I would stop. It would definitely include Jim(Gym) Jordan, a man who I am sure canโ€™t get out of a bathroom stall he locked himselfโ€ฆ.

Broadway blowjob doesnโ€™t want people to control their reproductive health. Iโ€™m shocked I tell you.

Just more rage bait to dupe the MAGAs distracting them away from actual policy.


We still care about bobo?

I thought she had to start blowing truckers cause her truck broke down on her way to DC…?

Notice everyone how the bil she introduced will do nothing to โ€œhelpโ€ anyone but it just another attempt to take something away from people.

I’m sure they planned to make a baby,and Lauren is a little ol granny now and she’s got plenty of money to look after a baby,so no problem./s

Another bill of hers that will fail

Remember, lesser people chose this future for you

Knowing Boebert, she was probably proud of him when this happened.ย 

“How dumb is she?”…

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