Lawn guys were less professional than drunk/high/both HS kids rushing to go get some. My last ten years of my life’s work is ruined.

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Can we see what these looked like?

Something similar happened to a church near me. The bad low rate lawn guys mow the cemetery. Positive thing was they did it in record time. Bad news three hundred years of tombstones and markers were destroyed. I mean they did clean up after themselves by piling all the broken pieces in a pile. The church never told anyone…and they paid someone else to do it the next time…

I am sorry this happened to you. No amount of money can get back your years worth of time. Hopefully you can rebuild it better, and the museum will understand.

If they’re registered historically, surely you have them insured right? RIGHT?!

Why hire rando landscapers when you have such highly valued plants in your yard???

I’d have been out there with caution tape!

Can we see a before picture?

They seem important enough emotionally and financially. You should sue.

Am I just drunk or this title makes no sense at all?

Lawn guys were less professional than drunk/high/both high school kids rushing to get some

Am I havingh a stroke?

I hate to say it but if these plants were so important shouldn’t there have been a fence or some sort of barrier that a lawn tractor would obviously avoid? Also shouldn’t the husband have mentioned off hand about the priceless plants in the corner of the yard?

My heart breaks for you and your babies 😔

They killed your irises it’s time to poke their irises

I guess this should be your villain origin story.

OP, you have clearly cognizable damages and they have a business (and likely insurance). That’s exactly what lawyers are for – try to find one that specializes in tree law in your area, they probably know more about these specialized types of plants and such. Clearly the lawn guys didn’t exercise the basic care due and even went beyond to actions that even an idiot would have avoided. You have a way to put everything back – even if that means you need to consult another expert on the company’s dime.

I’m so sorry this happened to you! I know the heartbreak when my insignificant plants don’t thrive, I can only imagine the devastation you’re feeling.

I know there’s good advice here, but it doesn’t change the facts.

I’m really sorry there are so many people responding that don’t understand exactly how much this hurts from a botanical viewpoint. Or just didn’t read what you explained in detail.

Best wishes and know that someone heard you.

I use to have plants I cared about too… then we got chickens…. Now I just have eggs. Sucks watching 10yrs of growth become a snack.

Where are the before pics?

Oh how horrible. I am so so sorry. What a horrible thing.

Why did you have some randos anywhere near that, lol? This is like the church that hired old granny to restore the painting.

When I need something incredibly important to me, that my wife couldn’t care less about, I make sure it’s done how I want. I know she doesn’t understand the nuance of comic book collecting, storage, etc. So anything with my comics, I deal with it and make sure it’s done how it needs to be. She wouldn’t be negligent or malicious when hiring a mover for them. But she also doesn’t know things like “never put them in basements or anywhere under pipes”. She doesn’t know the relative humidity staples will begin rusting at.

It blows my mind that your husband would even think to hire a company to do anything near these without talking to you. It blows my mind that you didn’t supervise the people doing it to make sure this thing that meant so much to you was cared for how you wanted.

ESH. Probably even me for commenting on it.

I’m sorry that happened to you. Wtf is wrong with people? Even if you don’t know horticulture, you still know not to just destroy everything.

Why in the world didn’t you have your life’s work sectioned off by some kind of larger barrier ?

I get aesthetics, but this appears to be your income too?

You want a job done right do it yourself.

This is brand new to me. Pretty ugly thing to have done to you, and I hope it was out of stupidity and not malice or as a joke. I’m just blown away. I’m really sorry. Bare minimum I hope you get a sincere apology from the workers. Asking questions goes a long way. I doubt asking about a unique part of your yard and your desires for work there would have been quite simple.




If it was so important, why didn’t you mention it to the yard workers?

This is more than #WellThatSucks. So sorry for you. I cannot imagine.

I’m so sorry. I don’t know enough to understand their value but it’s clear the value to you and the iris community was immeasurable. I hope you’re able to recover much of your work.

That really sucks but what are these exactly? I keep seeing irises in the comments, that shit grows like a weed at my place, I’m pulling them out every month it’s the little purple flowers? that root looks different but leaves look the same.

Perfect example of why you don’t hire the cheapest person.

There’s a reason why I’m not close to the cheapest in town. I pay well above average wages, have all the required (and beyond) insurance, reputation, and years of established business. If my employees mess something up I will make it right, you’ll never get Chuck in a truck back.

Is anyone going to explain wtf I am looking at and why it took ten years to grow?

I’d be more pissed at your husband for not telling them to stay the fuck away from that area. Like, don’t even come within 15ft.

How have you been doing thus for so long and your husband didn’t recognize that there could be problems having workers in the yard and didn’t inform them?

Holy crap, I’m sorry that happened. I don’t know anything about this sort of historical growing, are the names per plant? Do you have any pictures or something that can help you remember which plant was in what area? I’m sure that’s a stupid question or you would have already done it, just trying to understand a little bit better.

Kinda had a smaller scale incident happen a while back with my grandparents. They lost their yard guy so I recommend a friend of mine of mines boyfriend who had a landscaping business. He sent his dim wit cousins to do the job. Fucking idiots were trying to trim the trees with weed eaters, utterly destroyed their yard.

Demand restitution. If you have to sue them to get it, do so.

You have been damaged and so has your property. Take them to court. Bring pics and you will likely win. You just need to come up with a figure. Good luck and I’m sorry.

If the plants were such a big part of your life, why didn’t you mention to the landscapers to be extra careful around them?

“The lawn guys your jackass husband hired”

OMG. That’s so awful. I know exactly what org and program you are in with those. I am so very sorry for your loss. I can tell you without doubt no one is going to hold you responsible for the damage and you will not be blacklisted. And all is not lost. Having a list of exactly what was there is a golden ticket to getting the names back on them, assuming they had bloomed before and were verified correct. Do your best to get them back in the ground or potted for the winter. Save every piece you can. It will take a few years, but once they start blooming you can absolutely get them ID’d again. I’d be happy to lend you my expertise and time if you want them. I’ve been a member of that org for 25 years and am a known expert on historic irises. DM me if you like.

As a landscaper myself and a plant lover this is such a shame. The cheap butchers your husband hired should be ashamed.

Pro tip for anyone who wants to keep proper garden maintenance done especially with rare varieties, you should get a professional gardener with a horticultural license.

This is one of the saddest posts I’ve seen on this sub. I have no clue about irises but something that goes back so many generations just get destroyed for no reason has made me feel so sad 🙁

You have to do all this, and you let some bozos ruin 10 years of work… how? Wouldn’t you say “don’t go anyfuc*ingwhere near this stuff!!”?

This more than sucks.

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