Leader AOC

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I’d almost start a Trump-like following for her on the Left.

Almost. I don’t believe in worshipping politicians or making my identity about them. But AOC is EXACTLY what is needed and she’s awesome. I rarely disagree with her and she just…gets it.

Iā€™m definitely ready to Vote for her.

Sheā€™s certainly one of the few with a spine these days.

That’s a good conclusion.

I can’t believe the ADL is soft peddling this! Their stated mission on their website is: **To stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.**

YES fuck the rulesā€¦the GOP sure did. Sheā€™s our leader now. Fuck Pelosi et al.

Canadian here: why isn’t she the leader of the party?

No one is doing anything. They are just letting the nightmare happen. Where is the fight? The gusto? The moxie? There’s a wake up call happening and the libs are pressing snooze so hard, the alarm-clock would have turned into diamond if it were pure carbon.

AOC, Katy Porter and some other like minded Democrats that haven’t sold out need to start a new party, if there ever was a good time to do it, it’s now.

Agreed. She actually engages with her constituents (along with her colleaguesā€™ constituents) and validates our feelings instead of gaslighting us and telling us everything is fucking fine. Sheā€™s the leader we need.

She’s the only one I see with any integrity or consistency.

The Old Guard is limp and comfortable. They donā€™t WANT to do any *real* work because they donā€™t want to complicate their (theoretical) retirement plans. AOC and younger Dems/Profs have more investment in the future of this county than a bunch of geriatrics who, by all accounts, should be lounging by a pool in their retirement community.

Let the young people in. We have the energy, vision, and fucking *grit* to the take us into the future. In short: give us the damn keys, grandpa.

I am so upset with the ADL. Good job AOC.

Has anyone heard talk of a private police force, answerable only to Trump and Musk? I bet itā€™s in the works.

I sure fucking hope she and the other progressives form another party.

The Democratic party isn’t worth saving.

Can’t wait to see her run in 2028 and have all the “iNdEpEnDeNts” and alleged “Leftists” tell us all about how unqualified she is or dig up some instance of her working on bipartisan legislature as proof “she abandoned us.” Insisting she’s “just as bad” as whatever $#!+ stain the GOP coughs up next.

Pelosi is a fucking traitor to me. AOC and people like her are the future of the party. These old fucks need to move on.

AOC all the way!

AOC has more votes than she thinks…. Me included

100% AOC will be president in 2028 if she keeps this up.

I would feel so much better about the next few years if Dems *actually* pushed her into positions of power. But sadly theyā€™re not behind her.

This is how we fucking win. Retire everyone over 55 and let AOC run this shit. Fucking incompetent and impotent Democratic leadership somehow still manages to lose time and time again, with the more popular platform.

We need new blood and not this fucking retirement home.

Except Bernie, heā€™s cool.

The person who people follow is the leader.

It sure as hell isnā€™t Pelosi or Schumer. And where the hell is Beto and the other young democrats?

AOC seems to be the only Dem not afraid to speak her mind.

Everyone else is either a coward or on the tight leash of a wealthy oligarch.

Yeah the dems seem like they are asleep at the wheel right now.

Some are even bending the knee like little cowards

I don’t really understand why *this* is what makes people chose to dismiss the ADL.

They have been a joke… Forever? At least for a very very long time.

She needs to start her own party. The democrats are lost.

Wow ADL. Just wow

Iā€™m 100% behind her as the leader of the Democratic Party

I’m telling you, if we can hijack this party and actually make it work for all of us by convincing these younger Generations that we want to have a prosperous future, we can get rid of these fucking dinosaurs that are just enriching themselves and their families for the future and actually make some fucking changes.

Here here

Woah I missed this. ADL was actually excusing Elonā€™s nazi salutes?

She’s exactly who the party needs. Fearless, in touch with average citizens, young, and not corrupt.

She needs to start a leftist tea party like tomorrow

Im so sick of half the democratic party. Feels like they have never actually represented myself or loved ones.

AOC is an experienced house member nowā€¦Itā€™s time for the old guard to step aside and let the next generation do their thing because the old guard got us into this fucked up situation.

Possibly the only politician in washington that has a spine or guts.

Iā€™ve been saying for years that the ADL was full of shit. Itā€™s about time people start to catch on.Ā 

At least She didn’t attend the coronation

AOC 2028

Put her on the ballot! šŸ˜£

Force the Dems to get AOC as the next presidential candidate! Of Trump allows it, of course.

Elon took his edgyness to a new level, and he just wished he didn’t.

They have fought to dismiss and devalue her because they feared her. Apparently, she is all we have left.

I would love to see AOC and Andy Beshear(Kentucky governor) on a ticket together and that would definitely get some young people riled up.

Jeffries is a shill and a stooge. Handpicked by Pelosi who also hates progressives.Ā 

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