Learning new chapters

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At least he’s asking what the number is and not just grabbing some

I once saw another meme where a guy takes a photo of two different colored packaging of pads of the same brand. One was yellow the other green and dude asked whether if his lady friend wants lemon or lime flavor lol

Welp, today I learned something. Thanks reddit

Circumference of coochie


These huge vagina women are getting away with murder.


”sir” lmao

Nah i love him, t shirt sizes lmfaooo.

Size matters.

Bigger the better is my logic.

“yes they are”. The overconfidence instead of just asking what’s what…

God dammit A A ron

I just tell my wife to send me a picture of the box so I can just get those

On the other hand, why do women keep sending men to the store without directions. Take a friggin screenshot of your preferred brand and size from the online order website. Hell, if you put in the store area code till tell you which isle it’s on too.

He’s trying, a lot of guys won’t set foot in that aisle.

I was with him on that one
Had no idea it was the flow

Why wouldn’t you just always use the ones with the most absorbing capacity?

You know what? He’s getting them, he asked instead of grabbing whatever, and he’s not being weird about it. Full credit, sir.

And, do you dress your labia left or right?

At least he didn’t double down and try to argue with her

True love does exist

What about Left and Right tampons lol

some funny shit right there….

You don’t stick pads in the vag.

looks like this is a kepper

Ok, but, like, if you’re sending someone to get something they have little to no experience with why not send them a picture of the box you have at home??

Awwww bless him

Why do y’all act like it’s outrageous that someone wouldn’t have background knowledge on something they have never bought or used before?

Could have been worse, he could have asked if she wants lemon flavor or lime

I thought there’s only one type

Blood is blood

wait tho, shouldn’t he know the coochie size by now? 😂


At least he learned.😌

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