Lego sets are gettin way too realistic

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I would get a refund. It’s not supposed to come assembled already.

You can not replace me you can only try

Cute post… Was just as cute when I saw it 6 Days ago here too.


I swear I’ve seen this post a few days ago already.

This cat looks exactly like my cat that passed last year 🙁
This is exactly the type of thing he would do, thank you for sharing.

Did it come with the batteries though?

Omg tell me of the cat likes it once you finish it!! 🙂

Your cat’s trying to play Minecraft

These things are F&*kin sharp!!!


Those eyes seem to say “when you ripped my brother into tiny pieces… I saw… I saw it happen”

who designed the box?? honestly fire them..

The cat gave himself as a gift for the New Year

Cat not included

Picked the wrong day to ~~quit~~ start Methamphetamine.

Omg!! When I worked with this crappy cleaning company I saw this exact Lego set!!

Woa comes pre-assembled, nice.

That what’s coming inside of it? I’m getting one right now!

I’m guessing the cat has some questions of the existential variety

I literally just saw your TikTok and sent it to my sister 🤣

I ain’t steppin’ on that

“Within the facsimile contains a version of the original thing.”


Does it come with Lego cat bits to spayed or neuter them?

Try taking it apart.

I think mine is missing a piece.

OP is a fuckin thief.

It comes pre assembled?!

What a cute bb


Hehe, when stepping on a Lego brick at 3am in the dark is the least of your problems as your heel is raked by sharpened claws along with a blood curdling Feline scream!

Hey! Mine didn’t come like that! I want a refund.

atoms are the new blocks now

I have the exact same picture with my cat! 😂 “limited edition”

Did you buy pre-assembled?

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