Less punchable

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I wouldn’t cross the street to punch him but if he happens to walk by at the right time….

What the hell did he look like before if this is less punchable

Not well

I want to commit violent acts against that distinguished gentle man
comment image?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1d10357941d320466331877026bb210e8ffc910

My hand formed a fist just from looking at his picture

Untuck the shirt and unbutton another button at the top of your shirt. You’re on vacation for crying out loud.

Unbutton 2 for a more confident casual look, especially if you’re in a beach area.

Not sure about those rolled jean shorts. Are those back in style?

Get a neck tat.

My knuckles are itching just from looking at this pic

Wear a sign that says “Please do not punch me!”

He wants to be less punchable because he is just a chill guy who doesn’t care about violence.

Stop tucking in your shirt


Will Wheaton lookin aaah. Fuck you buddy

Jorts = punchable

comment image?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f788783bf98314b36710f89679fdd1905b4720

There are not many people who make me violent. But this guy has done the job

Why did god give this man the perfect head size and shape for target practice

that picture is inciting violence. i am calling the police. POLIIIICE!!!!

If this is him less punchable, how punchable is he usually

Needs a balaclava

Stealing toddlers jeans is a punchable offense


People are just assholes honestly. Let the guy dress however he wants.

He should stand sideways to present less of a target.

He looks like a rich gay german


0 upvotes and 81 comments says a lot.

Not good my dude, not good. Like… Just everything about you screams “Punch me”

This isn’t good.

Untuck that got damn shirt

Weird build

Hit the gym and bulk up, I guess.

No punches. I would just ask for his wallet knowing full well he’ll hand it right over

You know I’m going to have to do it to you.

Don’t hit a Weezer tier pose

Like in that one episode of Scrubs, wrong color

No but this is lesson one for pickpockets… How to spot a tourist

Those jean shorts

He failed lol

Not well, my dude

The most obviously American guy on the beach

Good luck with that.

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