This goofball crossed the rainbow a year ago yesterday. His personality was bigger than his 21 pounds could hold. His name was Catawampus, but we called him Wumpy. He was such a a good baby boy ?width=1008&format=png&auto=webp&s=50ffbc52c504c433ddf9c12694c48708e7baa1de
Dr evil living up to his name
I love this picture of Pepper. It makes me laugh!
This goofball crossed the rainbow a year ago yesterday. His personality was bigger than his 21 pounds could hold. His name was Catawampus, but we called him Wumpy. He was such a a good baby boy
I love her grumpy face in this one!
My boy Simon, who died of cancer a month ago.
Hugo ☺️
The face of someone who wants my popcorn
They were both waiting patiently for a treat!
This is Yasha! She’s a very fluffy baby.
He looks easy to draw
Min min would love to be drawn
This is mango he is one! 💚
Atreus the Dwelf
Meet Nova!
My distinguished gentleman, Shelley 🥰
He’s very sneaky
His name is Manya. He is about eleven years old.
Everyone refuses to draw him 🙁
My girl
Chonky cheeeekssss
Lady Livvie, no longer with us unfortunately due to cancer on the face.