let me hear from all the mans out there

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Shutting systems down, doing a reboot, clearing cache.
Updating programs like willtolive.exe

Preparing for the argument about something I did 10 years ago that only the wife can remember

I’ve got 2 kids in the house that want to play with their Dad so I’m switching from wage cuck back to Dad mode

A good song started playing as i was pulling in

Finishing listening to talk radio.

Compartmentalizing. Leaving the work at work.

It’s comfortable, peaceful. I’m not saying being home isn’t peaceful but it’s just different when you’re sitting in the car alone.

Waiting for my driving boner to subside before entering the house.

Reflecting i think . I do this shit every day after work

As a man without a car I actually do not do this (partly because I don’t have a car)

Releasing all the farts build up from work

They are probably married.

Last 10 minutes of peace

Car seat is so comfortable

As a woman, i do this lol

All things already said. But also, sometimes you’re so exhausted after a day at work and driving in intensive traffic, you just need to rest a while before you can get your tired bones out of car.

Yall only do 5-10 min?

Enjoying the sound of silence

Because driving is stressful and requires all your focus. Need a minute to relax after.

I ripped a fruity one and I’m taking a moment to appreciate the subtle bouquet.

Is this a thing? LOL.ย 

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