Let’s all unite behind them!!!

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AOC has said multiple times that she thinks she can make more of an impact in Congress and that’s where her focus is.

I love them both, but there is zero chance this is a winning ticket.

No. If the Dems want to win they have to go back to basics and put a 60 year old white dude in office. Y’all ain’t ready for a woman in office and a woman of colour is a pipe dream for now.

I love AOC but it might be a little early in her career for her to run, maybe a 2032 or 2036 run? Idk but I’m also concerned about her ability to get elected

No way in hell they would win, but I do like them.

if we want to lose this is a great idea

This wouldn’t win in today’s society sadly. America is too racist and sexist to vote for two women especially PoC into the White House

Unfortunately if the sitting VP couldn’t get in I don’t think these two have a shot. I’d vote for it but I think it’s too soon for them.

Too soon.
Let’s get some power in the mid-terms first. And some state houses that will have elections in between. Nothing against either of these heroes at all. But if we don’t do something before 2028, it might be too late.

We would lose in spectacular fashion.

AOC and Crockett are great fighters. With the general election though you have to look at who is most going to appeal to independent voters.

I think there are other Democrats who stand a better chance of doing that and thus increase the chances of winning–several Democratic governors come to mind.

I would love to see this. My MAGA brother’s head would explode.

Why would you want the MAGAs to win again? No way in hell this would ever be the ticket. Hopefully we get serious between now and 2027.

No. AOC wouldn’t win.

We shouldn’t try this idealistic, optimistic, bullshit anymore. Select two people that will know how to also appeal to the 50% of America composed of idiots. Make them likable and uncontroversial and aware of what they’re doing. Don’t start that patois about being weird again; they’re never going to get it.

Regain some power.

Win some battles behind closed doors on the fringe topics.

Even better idea: Unite behind ALL Democratic opposition to the MAGA cult. We no longer have the luxury of being picky with who ends up on the ballot.

Racist sexist voters would never let it happen.

They didn’t vote for Kamala who has more experience than both of these candidates combined.

Great way to lose. Other than that, love them!

In addition to losing, we’d look like idiots.

What about pete buttigieg? He would be amazing!

This is my dream ticket.

Not gonna happen and wouldn’t be a good idea anyway

I’m not sure we need to call for uniting behind anyone right now, but I do think that encouraging motivated candidates to step up NOW is a great idea. The more Democrats flood the news talking straight to Americans about “kitchen table issues,” the better.

Only a celebrity is going to win sadly

ppl who say it’s too early for her to run, what’s wrong with America having a young leader? That’s reverse ageism. It’s not like the woman is just 20. Clever, charismatic, outspoken, i don’t want to wait for her or Crockett to run until we’re all 50.

I’ down with OCC!!!!

I can’t believe y’all still think there’s gonna be real elections in 2028 💀💀

I think AOC’s political approach has improved a lot – but I have a hard time seeing he becoming president, hell she may not even win a senate seat.


Can Democrats go two days without falling in love with an elected official who has a good soundbite?

Quit hoping for a savior.

You know why the GOP completely dominates state governments and Democrats always seem like they’re on the ropes?

Because 15 years ago, the GOP started to invest heavily in state and local races and parties. County Council, State legislature, State Comptroller. All of those types of races – building from the ground up. During that time, the Democrats spent their time either looking for the next Obama, or rigging primary rules in favor of establishment candidates.

Quit hoping for the easy way out. That’s not how you build support and save the country from fascism.

Na. I’d rather have Pritzker.

Too soon.

(Sadly) we need a strong middle aged straight white Christian male for the first term or two after the current shitshow, to entice a lot of these MAGA voters that now regret their votes. There’s no way they’ll vote for a woman, a gay man, or a black person/hispanic person this soon. They need someone who may seem to be similar to what the GOP has given them, or they’ll just vote red again because of their racism, sexism, and homophobia. Baby steps, man.

I love the energy but, girl, be so for real. You think Americans will elect a Latina & Black woman for president? Best we can do is standard issue white man.

How about we get through next week first?

AOC has just actively said she doesn’t want to be president and couldn’t be.

Don’t know Crockett but good w.AOC

Hell yes! This would be my dream team. Sadly, Americans are too sexist and too racist….

I think these 2 are amazing people but as Americans always show they won’t vote a woman for president and find any reason not to vote for them I mean for god sakes people voted for Trump again despite every horrible thing he’s said and done over a woman

Slogan “Because we love losing”

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