Lets bring the Bible back!

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And blasphemy. And eating pork. Among at least a hundred other transgressions.

So let me get this straight. A country founded on escaping religious persecution and for citizens to have freedom to practice or not practice whatever religion they want is now *checks notes* pushing Christianity on people and persecuting non Christians? Cool.

It would be fucking hilarious if forced bible study is what ends up showing the masses that MAGA ideals are extremely unchristian.

The silver lining is that actually studying the Bible at a Christian university was the first step in me no longer being a Christian. You put that shit under the microscope long enough and it tells on itself.

He said option.

Letโ€™s be real itโ€™s not gonna be an option. People are going to be forced to read that fucking dribble.

They should try basic literacy classes first.

Separation of Church and State, public schools are off limits. trump doesnโ€™t have a religious bone in his bloated body.

Since when is literacy a proper noun

So the US government has gone full Taliban!!!

The seven deadly sins (also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins) function as a grouping classification of major vices within the teachings of Christianity. According to the standard list, the seven deadly sins in Roman Catholic Church are pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth.

Donny did them all.

I don’t support Bible class or Trump but this coming from a Muslim is grade A irony.

Remember when he said the Bible was his favorite book, yet he couldn’t name ONE verse from it?

According to the bible one of his sons should be taking his wife and mistresses by now, if conparisons to king david hold

The most infuriating thing about this whole issue is that any student at any time in or out of school can study the Bible whenever they want. Literally on a whim.

What they are wanting is Christian nationalist indoctrination. Which is disgusting. And the very thing that led to the crucifixion of the Jesus they claim to love and blah blah blah.

By stoning.

I am sick of you liberal Redditors and your comments, assuming, no, more like fantasizing, about acting on literal translations of the Bible. Thatโ€™s not what Jesus taught us, which is why I turned to Jesus; heโ€™s my landscaper, Jesus Francisco Reyes, he voted for trump, then lost half his crew last week, a discussion for another time. Anyway, he said trump was referring to the Trump Bible, not the Christian Bible. I read the thing and most of it is ads for real estate masterminds, his favorite tweets, and pictures of supermodels and Big Mac sandwiches heโ€™d like to f*ck. Just wanted to clear that up for yโ€™all.

Look you know he really means heโ€™s going to force every school district to use Trump Bibles therefore increasing his wealth even more. It isnโ€™t about biblical literacy at all.

Yet he doesn’t know a single Bible verse

Good. *Nothing* makes more atheists than the bible.

They want us to be the Christian equivalent of Iran.

If a teacher wants to do it all strictly by the book, actually have the students READ the bible. All of it. And then do comparitive analysis of separate chapters and the differences. And then have the students explain how god killing David’s son because of David’s affair is lawful-good.
There would be so many atheists created, this would not be a bad thing.

If Trump represents someone who reads the Bible then I wonโ€™t be reading it.

Fabulous idea! Letโ€™s start with Ezekiel 23:20โ€ฆlook it up for a laugh.

Cheeseburder mixes beef and milk. Straight to jail.

Yeah, but I bet those classes aren’t gonna teach that part.

And with any luck, also by Christians

He is a combination of all the sins!

Yeah, that’s not what”love one another” means… ๐Ÿ™„

The hypocrisy of the fake Christian is lost on the the people who want to believe that he is a man of any kind of faith and not just a fake everything to feed his ego and fill his wallet. Yes, be a drone from the teachings of trump Christianity from your trump Bible.

I didnโ€™t know there was good ideas in the Bible.

Aren’t Church/Sunday Schools literally everywhere though?

Canโ€™t wait for the second grade teachers to whip this one out:

Genesis 19:8 See now, I have two daughters who have not known a man; please, let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them as you wish; only do nothing to these men, since this is the reason they have come under the shadow of my roof.

Gotta teach the kids to be kind to guests!


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