Let’s celebrate Daisys weight loss🎉🎉

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Holy mee! What did you do with her if I may ask? I have the same problem with my cat

wow. great job! how did you do it? any diets and exercise? and how long did it take.

Great job Daisy!! This is hard for all of us, but especially sweet little kitties. So proud of you and your human servant for getting you healthy. My guy is on a small weight loss journey of a pound. Would you say it was primarily diet or exercise or both?


looks awesome in both pics honestly

She looks like Batman 🥰

Well done!

She will live longer and have more fun!

Congratulations Daisy! I will use you as inspiration for my own weight loss journey. What a good girl.

Ah this is great (:
My Binks is quite chonky right now. I worry about her. She’s indoors, spayed and is still kind of active.
She’s able to clean herself fine, gets up and down places if she needs (wants!) to.

I think I’ll try out the same diet you did with Daisy. She’s otherwise completely healthy! Just plus size!

Omg, your cat looks exactly the same as my kitty that I lost a few weeks back. Thanks for sharing!
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Well done 👍


Awesome Daisy! Just in time for the holidays!

Congratulations Daisy you were perfect before but now you are even more perfect!

Wow, well done Daisy (and OP for being a great owner who cares about the well-being of their cat)!

Shes so cute look how politely she’s sitting with her little polydactyl paws 🥹

Beautiful 💕

Good job Daisy!😚❤️❤️

Good job, Daisy!

That weight loss made her look younger 🥹🥹

How?? Plz let me know

Looking good, girl! 👏🏼

Congrats daisy!

Congrats Daisy!!! You’re the best

cute kitty 🙂

Wow! Nice job, Kitty!

Daisy does not seem impressed either way 🤣

Look at Daisy go! I’m sure she’s just as fabulous before and after, but I bet she’s enjoying the extra playtime!

Congrats! I have a very good driven cat and the meows are insufferable! Calorie restriction for cats is so challenging.

That’s an incredible difference!! Congratulations to you and Daisy!! We love to see it ❤️


To be loved is to be changed 🤍


She looks a lot better on the second pic. Well done!

Hooray for Daisy! Such a huge accomplishment. How to be you sweetheart? ❤️

Such a sporty lady

Wow, I need to show this to my cat to inspire him


She’s such a cutie patootie. Lots of hugs and kisses to Daisy. 😘

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