Let’s go, I feel safer already.

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At the federal level I guarantee if politicians were being shot at like our kids in schools they would have a law signed the next day.

Reminder that even the Republican ND Attorney General called for a ban on binary triggers after Fargo shooting

I had to look up what binary triggers were. While a normal trigger only releases the hammer to fire when you pull the trigger back, a binary trigger will fire on both pulling and releasing the trigger.

That’s a… really stupid gun modification. And I will make fun of anyone who is upset they can’t get it.

Surely banning the binary triggers will stop it! /s

Aaaand cue the whining from morons about dictator Walz and the end of freedom.

I never understood how those triggers got past the ATF regulations and definitions of semiauto.

Thank god, more laws! Thatโ€™s how we ended illegal drug use.

What happens when you run out of attachments to ban?

But youโ€™re not safer. Youโ€™re just dumb.

If someone is too dangerous to exercise their rights, why are they in public?

Also, what guns protect the president and members of Congress? I guess they are better humans than us plebs.

“Deadly binary triggers” ๐Ÿคฃ

I really appreciate that he implies how useless thoughts and prayers are. We need action. We need change and we need more strict gun laws.

And then bad guys use trucks. Evil will take the easiest course. Banning doesn’t mean safety.

Sure sure. Criminals will still do whatever they want. Just hindering law biding people like normal.

Iโ€™m so confused – why donโ€™t they just make mass shootings and murder illegal? Oh waitโ€ฆ. Criminals donโ€™t follow the law

Such refreshing news. The criminals will immediately cease their illegal activities for fear of new laws. Donโ€™t hide behind thinking!

Banning binary triggers doesnโ€™t do anything ๐Ÿ˜‚ I like Walz and voted for him. but banning binaryโ€™s triggers wonโ€™t change anything for mass shootings, or any shootings.

Stunning and brave

For those curious, here’s an [example of a forced reset trigger plus a bump stock in action](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1a0HWKWxF8&t=405s).

Not sure if its your intent but your title reads as extremely sarcastic to me.

Binary triggers have never been a problem. How about we address systemic issues with mental health, poverty, gang violence, and organized crime which will actually have a real impact on peopleโ€™s lives. The DFL is happy to pat themselves on the back and lie to the public that they did something meaningful.

Perfect. Now there will be no more gang violence. You did it guys. Way to go.

Continuing to be one of the best people in the hellscape of US politics.

โ€œDeadlyโ€ binary triggersโ€ฆoh fuck off.

Yes, because practically no legal gun owner buys that shit and the ones that do have much more to live for than shooting people at random and losing what they have spent a lifetime building. I’ve never bought a binary trigger, I’ve never been red flagged, I’d never leave guns laying around for my kids. This law does nothing to make you safer, all the criminals already have guns but if they didn’t, there is one waiting to sell them one. I have multiple guns and I’ve never gotten to take one home the day I bought it, I’ve been waiting for 5 months for my suppressor.

No you’re hiding behind meaningless laws.

Me as a Floridian watching MN have the best Governor
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red flag law aka karen law, and arbitrary ban on binary triggers which has been used in how many crimes? oh, literally once in the multiple decades they have existed? Its actually all glock switches and dracos with a shaved selector? Colour me shocked. This is worse than thoughts and prayers.

lol ๐Ÿ˜‚

So we’ve now given racist police the ability to disarm people at their discretion? And then went on to ban a a trigger that does nothing to increase the firearm’s lethality, saving 0 lives and putting innocent people in jail? Am I understanding this correctly?

Wonder when legislation banning Ford F-150s is going to be passed

Redditors appreciating another useless gun law being added to the collection.

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And yet still our schools remain completely undefended – by choice. Still the most innocent are used as pawns for political gain, as leaders pretend they did something important while literally millions of guns already circulate without any ability to track.

So tired of our leaders appearing to protect kids by passing laws, rather than doing something that might actually deter the mass murder types – like maybe posting armed gaurds at schools instead of just locking doors and hoping for the best.

**The only problem with laws is you have to follow them. Criminals have no problem breaking the law.**

Because criminals buy guns legally lol

Criminals would never get a binary trigger, itโ€™s illegal.

All I read is fuck your rights. Criminals don’t give a shit about laws which make it harder for law abiding people to protect themselves.

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