Let’s not jump to conclusions

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And a very rich one. We should atleast tax him

Fantastic summary of events. Like the party rewarded violent party loyalists with pardons right after the event. What’s there to even discuss about an obvious fascist salute?

[“Nazis, Nazis, Nazis! Of course in your world everyone is a Nazi! I suppose next you’ll call the Fuhrer a Nazi too?!”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvgZtdmyKlI&t=2s)

You never know what he means by “I am a Nazi”, he could be meaning “I love lasagna”!

Too many people take pride in being Ignorant, and it’s sad.

I am terrified for the coming years…

It’s the first fucking month of the year and the 2 riches mans on the planet, one is a literal fucking nazi, and the other is pardoning jan 6th insurrectionists, and they are running the us, my wish of safety is with every sane man and woman left in the us.

Good luck everyone. We’ll need it.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” – Maya Angelou

The history of the US in a single gesture.
The same country that made killing nazis a badge of honor is now ruled by them. That has to mean something.

Elon is what you get when a 4chan edgelord gets money and power. He is riding that high and seeing how much he can get away with.

He’ll deny being Nazi, but he does believe in things like white replacement theory and that suspiciously close to white supremacy and all that other stuff associated with what he says he isn’t.

It makes sense now why he likes the X so much. Just 4 simple adjustments it all he needs to do to his platform for his true intentions to shine through.

It’s basically a whirlpool of incompetence, once you get dragged into it, all you can do is just go with the flow

May we find a revolution eventually

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Now hold up, just because he did a Nazi salute like Hitler, speaks in a very fascist Nazi-esq way like Hitler, starts growing a mustache like Hitler, stars growing his hair like Hitler, and starts making a Nazi party like Hitler doesn’t mean he’s a Nazi or at all like Hitler. Come on guys!!!

Here before the very lovely 🔒award

It’s a roman salute! And also it was sending his heart! And also it was accidental! Can you not see he’s innocent!?

These guys are unrepentant catastrophic level assholes who don’t need to emulate unrepentant catastrophic level assholes to be called out as such. They are evil in their own right.

Quite succinct

Unfortunately those who need to see this won’t see this

Trump is one war away from seeming like the worse option between him and Putin.

I love how you make them both look stupid just from their eyes

why people are so surprised that a fascist guy used a fascist symbol?

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…


Wtf, Elon you was cool guy that was going to colonise the Mars. And now what the actual f..
I don’t live in America so it’s likely won’t affect my life in major way. But if that continues it will affect humanity progression, and thats a bad thing.

And f nazis

Make him more bald

” for all we know, he could just be a neo nazi! And thats not the same”- Them probably

That is what they say, I am not sure that is what they think though. What they think is “He is one of us”.

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What’s with his lips?

Mmmmm… that nazi looks familiar

Nazi dog whistle on full blast….

I was waiting for your post since he do that. Now I can die in peace. (In fact I’m going back to work, same)

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