Let’s set the record straight. Sound off in the comments if you have been threatened in real life by a republican.

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Guy in a red pickup truck with a confederate flag tried running me and my partner off the road in Illinois

Ah a personal favorite story of mine:

First year of college was the 2020 election cycle. I was sitting in the common area watching stuff roll in with my floor mates, who were conservative. Looks bad for democrats, they’re being loud and rude, screeching about how they’ve won, so I turn in for the night. Next day they are beating down my door demanding I let them in because my party “stole the election” by counting the mail in ballots. They even tried getting the RA to hand them a key to my room so they could “talk to me”. Luckily he wasn’t having it.

For the record, I’m a straight white dude, I just had disagreements on policy with them and they were that aggressive, there’s no way they are nicer to a group their holy book instructs them to murder.

In early 2016, at my birthday dinner, my dad said he would shoot me if I voted for Hillary. Obviously it wasn’t a serious threat that he intended to go through with, but it was my fucking birthday, and he said it with an angry tone; not at all jokingly. I don’t talk to anyone in my family anymore.

Literally had a woman telling us we needed to be shot for opposing Trump this week during protests.

Trans woman here , I’ve been threatened by many Republican persons , and often

I’ll go first and point to my most recent post here on Reddit. I called out a woman for her transphobia and she threatened both me and my professor. She was expelled and the police were called. 

I live in the south. I cannot count the number of times I have heard Republicans openly talking about shooting liberals, minorities, and the queer community. Pleasant brunch conversations about how “They need to be taken out back and dealt with”. People down here were literally making “jokes” about lynching Obama, and were just giddy to see his daughters lose their security detail so someone could murder them. Remember the whole “Osama” thing? Yeah, they wanted to see him go the same way. Practically shouted it from the rooftops. My own father was guilty of this shit.

These are the same people that erected a gallows in front of the capitol because FELLOW REPUBLICAN Mike Pence wouldn’t overturn the results of the election. They quite literally called for his execution.

FFS my uncle bragged about how his unit shot Africans because “they all have AIDS” at *Christmas Dinner*

Why do you think they’re all so hard up about 2A? If Republicans are met with violence, they only have themselves to blame. They’ve been openly violent all along.

A guy with a trump sticker on his truck pointed his gun at me at a traffic light stop because I beeped at him when he aggressively merged into traffic almost causing an accident.

Let’s set the record straight. Do most conservatives know someone who was violent against Democrats, different races, or LGBTQ folks? Of course not. Are most people who are violent against POC and LGBTQ folks far-right? Yes. Duh.

I’ve been physically attacked for being queer, so…

I live in deep red Mississippi. I had two Biden Harris stickers on my car. I have been cursed at and accosted many times. Twice I had magat rednecks try to run me off the road. The Maga cult is very violent.

My father …. on social media. I’m not an LGBTQIA+ member, but I have kids who identify in that community- and by kids I mean young adults (19-21).

As of 3 weeks ago, he threatened me on social media to expose me. Expose me for what exactly, NO CLUE. He got blocked that day.

That paragraph means nothing when their sub is constantly downplaying Nazi actions by the right, which they did in this very paragraph. They also praise legislation that takes away rights of people in different races, ethnicity, or LGBTQ. Even if they don’t come out and just state their hatred towards them, they are enabling “violence” by being okay with human rights being taken away. They don’t understand that though and think that this paragraph is the end-all to make them not seem like absolute garbage humans.

These people are lunatics. It’s called: the entire history of the civil rights and equal rights movement.

Had my windshield smashed with a rock while staying in a hotel in deep red Trump country. Mine was the only car in the parking lot that was damaged, and also the only one with a Biden bumper sticker.

Editing because I just thought of more:
In 2018, I participated in a “honk and wave” event with a Democratic candidate for Congress. We all stood at a busy intersection waving signs etc. It took about 10 minutes for the pickup trucks to start slowly rolling by, festooned with Trump flags. There were 3-4 of them, and they’d drive by repeatedly and slowly, staring at us. Very weird.

Another hotel incident—staying at a different hotel in the same trumpy area (I grew up there), we had a really loud youth hockey team on our floor. I went to the front desk at 10 pm to see if there was any way they could move us to a quieter room, and one of the hockey dads overheard me in the lobby. He followed me back to my room, calling me a libtard. Mind you, I’m a middle aged white woman in pajamas—no political statements on my clothes, no piercings or tattoos. I guess I was a libtard because I wanted to sleep in the hotel I was paying to sleep in?

Oh NO! We conservatives are so sweet, we would NEVER violently attack our own Capitol, go to prison, get pardoned by another FELON, who was elected by conservatives, then get out and assault liberals some more, get arrested again… I don’t know ANY conservative who is like the people the left paints them to be. None.

They are so fucking self-deluded.

As a white CIS man who looks conservative enough, I’ve heard people talk who assume that I’m like them. They may talk about how when liberals try to revolt, they’ll murder them with all of their guns. In a restaurant I’ve heard old people talk about how they know black people in their neighborhood are all trying to rob the upstanding white people, so if one knocks on their door, they will be prepared to pull them inside and shoot them and claim castle doctrine. They described in real graphic terms. Real murder porn. It was sickening.

Trump just threatened to starve Maine

A neighbor of mine, in early 2024, asked me what I thought of Mr. Biden. I started to answer. I said that I disagreed with some of his policy choices, but overall he seemed to be doing a pretty good job. The neighbor cut me off, and began screaming at me. He cursed a blue streak at me for about a minute, and finished by yelling, “I am going to shoot you. I’m going in my house to get my gun, and when I come back out I am going to shoot you.” That is an exact quote. I will never forget it.

Then he went inside, and I went to my house. I watched on camera. A couple minutes later he came outside again, carrying what looked like an AR15 rifle, and looked around. Then he went back inside.

Before that day, we had talked every few days, for a couple of decades. Since then, we haven’t talked, at all.

A crazy white chick on the train ride to Burlington during his first administration told me she loved Trump. Later in the one sided conversation she told me she doesn’t like black people, no shocker there. When I tried to excuse myself and move seats she accusede of being a filthy lib and threatened to shoot me. The conductor let me exit the train before anyone else and get in a waiting car.

Go to a rural town in the south and say something positive about anyone not white or male. 

I have receipts to prove it: Last November, I was in a trolling group (Receive terrible advice type group), and the question was what is an instant turn off that men do to women? Some guy with a Trump profile picture from his supposed assassination attempt chimes in with “be nice to women” and I replied that his profile picture was a pretty good indicator to most women that he was likely a dangerous man and the very definition of a “nice guy” and thus would be avoided. He screenshot my response, sent it to my employer and asked that I get fired, while.also responding with public insults towards me and my partner. This guy wanted to dox me and make me lose my job and everything all because of my honesty in telling him that his profile Pic is a warning sign to women. He proved that he is indeed very dangerous to women. Plot twist: my boss at an agency that empowers women took his side and wanted to fire me. Her response told me everything at that moment: we aren’t safe in this world, and even the people and agencies meant to protect us wont anymore.

They are literally endorsed by the klan and give third Reich salutes ..

I’m a straight white dude from rural America so I’ve never really been the target for them but let me just list a few things I’ve heard them say to me thinking I was on side.

– drug addicts should all be shot

– prisoners should be fed survival rations so they’re too small and weak to be a threat

– how they wish they could kill the Democratic Mayor

– how they’d beat up their child’s kindergarten teacher if they were trans

– wishing for a civil war so they could overthrow the Democrats (2013)

– how they would beat up a gay guy if they hit on them

– they should just shoot immigrants illegally crossing the border

-they should just turn the whole middle east to glass

I could go on all day.

Do not trust these people.

Even if they haven’t openly threatened you over your identity they are fantasizing about hurting you behind your back.

Day after election 2016. Two men in a company truck tried running me off the highway. Flipping me off and holding a handmade sign about Hillary (I had a bumper sticker on my car from the campaign). They did this about 8 times over the course of several miles. They rode my bumper then would zoom up next to me windows down screaming profanities then forcing my car to the side off the road. I was on the way to a doctor appointment as I was 6 months pregnant. Had a panic attack in the dr parking lot when I finally got there. Called the “how’s my driving” phone number from their truck and filed a complaint.

Isn’t everyone’s life being currently threatened? I mean I get conservatives are to busy choking on Trumps knob but Trump is literally doing text book Authoritarian moves.

Last I checked he’s cutting funding on all federal funding including Education, Medicare, medicaid, and social security. Which big shocker I know, affects red states the most.

Plus you know the whole cutting off all allies and buddying up with Putin.

List goes on and on.

So yeah conservatives can all get fucked and buried.

MAGA coworker was crowing about the election results and “lining the libs up against a wall next”.

And yet they support polices that hurt these people. And yet they complain about people being blocked and banned over free speech for harassing others. And yet they thought Trump would only fire left wing people from federal jobs.

This kind of thing is especially wild to me because we watched conservatives LIVE ON TV ATTACK POLICE OFFICERS!!! Shit, some of these cops may have even voted for their guy! It wasn’t even attacking people for disagreeing with them, it was attacking people for doing their fucking JOBS because in that particular instance, that job was protecting the Democrats (and Republicans!) inside that building.

Do I think most conservatives are inherently violent, like if I just decked myself out in liberal gear and walked into a Walmart in rural Mississippi do I think I’d get shot? No, I don’t. Most people in general are not personally violent/confrontational. They might snicker behind me, they might shout at me (one time in 2023 I was driving my EV back when Tesla’s were more hated by conservatives at a charging stop in Lexington, with a NY plate on it. some dude goes out of his way in his F150 to pull around to the back of the charging stop and yell at me to take my “climate bullshit back to the city”, then just drove away before I could even process what happened lol). But most people obviously are also not gonna beat you up on the spot at least when you can put a face to them, they’re in public, cameras are around, etc.

All that said, it’s clear that the violent, cruelty – loving subsection of the population has found a home in the Republican Party and Trump has given them permission to come out of the woodworks.

There are tons of stories here of aggressive behavior from the right. Why is that? And is that why we are losing the nation’s hearts and minds? I know we are more kind and nice and understanding for the most part. Is it “nice guy finishes last”?

Gay dude here. Around 2016-2017, a guy at a party told me that his children will march on top of my grave holding their guns

My ex boss told me that he wished we could still hang black people and gay people from a bridge. He also told me that I got stupider when I dyed my hair blonde. He was a piece of shit and I just up and quit one day when I found a better job. No two weeks.

Lol “let’s be completely open to our visitors here”
‘Flaired users only’

Most of the US domestic terrorism is done by right-wing extremists oftentimes hiding under the banner of conservativism.

When I lived in a red area, my car had its windshield smashed and the right mirror broken within a month. My mom pointed out the equality sticker I’d placed on the bumper. No proof but highly coincidental.

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