Let’s stop this nonsense before it starts, she looks fine.

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She kinda looks like sisters of battle from Warhammer40k


It’s cgi so ingame model could be different, just look and compare geralt cgi vs ingame model

I don’t know the reason, but I felt some sort of uncanny valley or some shit when I first saw the trailer. I watched it multiple times and it’s always there. Like there’s something not right that I can’t pin down. Probably why a lot of people are saying something.

Would smash

“Why does it matter”

“If it doesn’t matter, why change it that way”

They gave her the iconic crimson chin.

I have my hype very low on CDPR. The current team is not the one who made TW3.

Something does feel off, I just can’t really figure out why it feels off

She does yes, my one issue is her drinking a witcher potion, i thought lore wise their bodies needed to be prepared to be able to take those, but she looks older so i’d guess they did prepare her between the events of 3 and 4.

I don’t care about it, but I do get really angry at people trying to tell me “NO, DON’T NOTICE WHAT YOU NOTICE”. It just makes my brain hurt, that’s it.

She looks DIFFERENT.
That’s undeniable, and if you try to gaslight me on that for whatever reason, you’re gonna get the mad reaction you expected from me in the first place, and then use it as an excuse to call me an incel or whatever the fuck some people come up with these days.

Now, is that difference better, worse, or insignificant ?
That’s up to debate, I have my opinion, but I don’t really care about it that much.

Just stop calling people names for noticing things.

Hell I barely care about the Witcher at all at this point, but the very idea of having so many people hell bent of preventing you to SEE just drives me nuts.

Like, I literally never gave a shit about any of the “culture war” stuff until the day I saw everyone around me starting to tell me what to think, what to see and who to believe.

celebrity plastic surgery face

The voice actress seems weak, but we only have a small sample. Could be good.

She uses her power to go to LA for a plastic surgery and now look what she got!

She doesn’t look like ciri

If she looked fine no one would need to say it.

Her face looks completely different from witcher, like literally different bone structure

Every experiment ever done to get a coherent definition of “woke” has been “contains non-white, non-males.”

So this is woke according to a study of right-wing media analysis.

The experiment in question created fake movie posters. Any movie poster with a woman or minority as the focus of the poster was voted as “woke” by the participants.

This is a full cgi trailer, I’ll wait to see actual gameplay, but she definitely looks different, not necessarily ugly, but if you remove the scar and change her hair color no one would be able to tell she’s supposed to be Ciri, which is bad imo.

Are those the female custodes?

No woke bs but she doesn’t resemble at all from the past game, also the faces and animations look off. Like go back to w3 and see the faces ingame how they look (they look way better)

Also shes basically a god at this point tf is she drinking witcher potions tf!?

Bruh how people looking at her and thinking she looks like a man •_•

Too late people are already foaming at the mouth with every video game reveal trying to find “woke” in everything. It’s tiring and overplayed at this point.

Not ONE other top post has even 1000 likes, even posts that are several hours older than this one. You seriously expect me to believe that this one has 3,000 and isn’t botted?

This is a pathetic paid thread meant to try to change the narrative.

After the botched launch of Cyberpunk, I’ll remain indifferent. It doesn’t mean anything until we see actual gameplay and what the story of the game will be. But it looks like CDPR made the Witcher Ciri ending canonical after Blood and Wine.

She looks like she went through a series of botched operations.

I’ll gladly toss a coin to this Witcher.

she looks like a warrior, not some gacha hentai doll.

She looks like viking warrior, not like the decendant of Lara Dorren.

She’s just older and battle hardened. I’d say she appears to be mid 40’s looking. We will all look less attractive fatter and balder when we get older lol.

She looks like a witcher

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